Analogy vs Metaphor vs Simile
Comparing Analogy Metaphor Simile
A metaphor is a type of speech or writing. A metaphor is an indirect comparison between two disparate things. A simile is a pointed, direct and explicit metaphor that makes a comparison between two disparate things. In essence, a simile is a literal declaration of a non-literal relationship between two concepts, entities or domains. A conceit is a type of metaphor that is unrealistic. Figurative is an adjective that describes parts of speech or the written word. Metaphorical writing is a category of writing and it is synonymous with figurative writing. Poetry, typically, is highly metaphorical writing. In contrast, legal briefs are logical, literal and to the point.
Analogy is a broader term that encompasses the written word, mathematics and symbolic logic. "Analogy" is a cognitive process that links two disparate entities by common particulars. It can be written, verbal, mathematical (A/B=C/D) or perhaps a style of thinking. One possible phrasing is that a metaphor is implicit analogy and a simile is explicit analogy.
Analogy can also used to make an extended argument that one thing is like another. In this passage from Writing Well by Donald Hall, the author states:
"We use this third term[analogy], besides simile and metaphor, for a comparison that makes or illustrates a point, and usually takes longer to say than a metaphor or simile. An analogy can be extended into a whole essay; minsters' sermons are sometime analogies-life is like the hundred-yard dash; birth is the starting gun, the tape is death, God is the judge. A whole book, or system of thought, can be based on analogy. Oswald Spengler, in The Decline of the West, at the beginning states an analogy, that a civilization is an organism, is born, grows old, and dies; then he writes a long book to make a factual case for his analogy."
Definitions' Source: Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th edition

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