a: agriculture ~
b: Disney World
Agriculture is a culture derived from the needs of the people who farm the land
Our definition focuses more on the holistic perspective of the culture of farming
Agriculture developed because of the needs of the people for food, and grew into a highly technological, industrialized process
Agriculture is like Disney World: it is a culture in and of itself, with many different components working together.
Agriculture is like learning to walk: it starts small and uncertain, but as it grows it becomes more highly developed and technological and continues to be perfected.
Agriculture is like a watch: you only see the finished product, but it is a long journey to assemble the parts.
Agriculture is like a toilet: you need shit.
Writer: Elizabeth Armstrong and Kaitlin Henderson
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Feb 25 2018 10:21 AM
# 11802 Critique Analogy