At The Right Time...

a: Destructive interference ~
b: waves hitting each other

What: "For those who don't know what I'm talking about, say you have a sound wave. The wave length is 1 foot. That means that the compressions are 1 foot apart, "peak to peak." People use a water wave as an analogy, but a sound wave is a compression and rarefaction, which are changes in density of the air. Shorter wavelengths make a higher frequency, and higher compressions/lower rarefactions make it louder. Destructive interference is like when one boat wake passes over another, going in a different direction. Some parts of the two wakes combine to make a super huge wave, and others cancel each other out. Constructive interference is when the two waves join together to make a bigger one, and destructive interference is when they cancel each other out."

Writer: Guest_ken_*
Date: Jul 30 2013 4:05 PM

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