Sawing Down The Canyons
a: Colorado River ~
b: a saw
"Now, the Grand Canyon was way different than I thought it would be. There are a bunch of areas where you can go see it, so maybe I've seen pics of a different part or something. But it was very cool! I had no idea how the Grand Canyon came to be. The little learning center (the Geology Museum, where you can also look out over the Canyon) explained that basically (and don't quote me on this) the Colorado River, along with it's tributaries (which are rivers that flow into the Colorado River) is like a saw or liquid sand paper, and just keeps cutting deeper and deeper into the rock. Then, when it cuts deeper, the side rocks wear away (I forget how...). Anyway, it's taken like, millions of years to do, and it's still doing it!"
Writer: Emily
Date: Apr 25 2014 5:04 PM
# 5533 Critique Analogy