The Sopranos Vs Lost

a: The sopranos ~
b: The TV show Lost

What: There is a common theme in these TV shows; the commonality is parental issues. I've recently seen interviews and commentaries by the creators of each show. The Sopranos creator, David Chase, is refreshing open about it. He states in the commentaries in the Season 1 DVDs that Livia Soprano is based on his mother and that his relationship with his mother is poor. In contrast, the Lost creators seem to have Father issues manifested in the show. One key example is John Locke's Father. This is a man who swindled John's kidney from him and later tries to throw him out of a 9th story window. This is only 1 example of MANY from LOST. I listened to the commentaries on the DVDs by the creators and they denied any such issues. I wish they could have been as open about this as David Chase, 'cause is obvious, to even a casual viewer that, someone with Father issues was writing or approving scripts for the show.

Writer: LucretiaGermanica
Date: Jan 3 2011 2:45 PM

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