endocrine system
"Our bodies have essentially two ways of solving the organizational problems raised by coordinating billions of semi-independent cells. In hormonal systems, master control cells broadcast potent signals all other cells must obey. Steroid hormones like estrogen or testosterone enter the body's cells, penetrating their nuclei and directly controlling gene expression. The endocrine system is like an immensely powerful dictatorship, issuing sweeping edicts that all must obey."
"The endocrine system is like a communications network that broadcasts hormonal messages to regulate bodily functions. It is comprised of the following glands: the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, ovaries and testicles. Common endocrine disruptors that contribute to poor health include synthetic hormones, pesticides, chemicals and other toxins that block or impair normal hormonal functioning."
"The endocrine system is like a spiderweb. You cannot touch one strand without affecting EVERY gland's function."
"The endocrine system is like a team in that it utilizes signals (play calls) from the hypothalamus (the coach). Effective communication between the players of the endocrine system can lead to balanced hormone production. Balanced hormone production is important in managing patient symptoms and ineffective communication can potentially lead to improper levels of hormones being synthesized."
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