a: Nerves ~
b: a match
"If our nerves are like gasoline
May we evaporate
If our nerves are like eggs
May we at least be hard boiled
If our nerves are like a match
May we be a wet one that can't light "
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Feb 28 2014 4:15 PM
a: Nerves ~
b: plantings of the brain
What: "Yet the space for animal spirits grew smaller and smaller as the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system became more elaborate. By 1653, William Harvey still might cite medieval authorities: "According to Avicenna, the nerves are like plantings of the brain, and provide ready intelligence for the organs of sensation; like the fingers of the hand; wherefore the brain neither sees or hears, yet knows all things." But he also took great pride in his century's extensive anatomical studies that had identified the optic, auditory, and olfactory nerves. And despite Descartes' insistence on the hollow nerve, the Scottish medical student John Moir record in his 1620 lecture notes: "nerves have no perceptible cavity internally, as the veins and arteries have." "
Writer: Avicenna
Date: Feb 28 2014 4:20 PM
a: nerves ~
b: garden hoses
"A good way to understand this is to imagine that nerves are like garden hoses watering different parts of a garden. All of the hoses are connected to one water source (the way nerves are connected to one brain). They are supplied with water and travel out to garden "
Writer: Baldwin Chiropractic
Date: Feb 28 2014 4:22 PM
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