"I think oxygen is like the breath of God in a way. It sustains our lives. It kindles fire. It is all around us whether we choose to recognize it or not. It is."
"Atmospheric oxygen is like an enormous storehouse of chemical potential which works in tandem with chemically stored forms of energy like fossil fuels and plant stuffs. Oxygen in the air is in a sense one half of an enormous battery (the anode). A recent abstract explains:"
A nice article this is:
"in the simplest terms, maintaining life can be viewed as the ability to resist oxidation. Oxygen is essential to life, but oxygen is like fire. It can be very damaging and needs to be controlled by antioxidants, known as "reducing" molecules. Balancing reduction and oxidation-or redox-is the fundamental challenge of life. What's great about that word, redox, is that it shows that they are profoundly linked and that we need both. Once you understand this relationship, it leads to all kinds of new insight."
"I was going to say that, at those temps, Oxygen is like the drunk girl at the prom... pretty loose."
How oxygen works at high temperature.
that constitute a majority of the mass of most organisms.

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