unrequited love
"Unrequited love is like black coffee. The alluring fragrance draws you in, but the bitterness shocks you. "
"Unrequited love is like a flower bud, concealing endless possibilities. Sometimes, it can touch people's heart even more. It can reach further into people's mind more than a blooming flower. The most special human feeling is to have an unrequited love. Nothing else has such a feeling. You will never see a cat, who silently likes another cat. When this becomes a reality, it loses all its meaning by then."
"Unrequited love is like trying to hold on to something while you're sliding down a glass wall: the less the other likes you, the steeper the slope."
"At first, you think it's okay, that the change is something you can get used to, something you can handle it. But then it just gets worse. The days gets shorter, draining, and you're left alone wondering why the sun leaves so fast, why it doesn't stay a little longer to bring you some kind of comfort. Eventually, you just give up hope, accepting the cold and the bittersweet situation. "
"Frank Ocean sang that unrequited love is like a one-man cult; the same goes for folks who will help you in your career. Without cutting things into fractions, we have to admit that the relationship needs to be reciprocal. "
"Unrequited love is like performing the grandest aria for an empty opera house. Your voice carries the most beautiful melody, echoing against the high ceiling. When you finish, the lights go down, as does your spirit. "
"I think you just helped yourself. Holding back unrequited love is like building a damn, you either need the resources to keep it growing forever, or you need an outlet to drain it once in a while. Remember, you're working with a force equal in power and beauty to that of a running river. Rivers run their course without instruction, they go with the flow, they accept obstacles and find ways around them, they aren't meant to be contained and they posses great destructive power. Love is the same way. If you truly feel this is part of your loves course set that letter to the wind and hope it finds her hands and makes it's way into her heart. "
"Unrequited love is like buying a dress that you can't fit into but you promise yourself you'll diet for-you can't think about the dress, only about the fact that your body is too big for it."
There is a quotation that goes all over the world: "Unrequited Love is like punching a wall. It won't punch you back, but still, it hurts."
"Unrequited love is like a blooming sunflower which requires sun to open up. If you don't get the warmth and love you deserve what's the use of asking for a life full of tears."
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