Farm Products
a: Humboldt county pot ~
b: Napa Valley Wine
What: "Local residents are so worried that pot farmers came together with officials in Humboldt County for a standing-room-only meeting Tuesday night where civic leaders, activists and growers brainstormed ideas for dealing with the threat. Among the ideas: turning the vast pot gardens of Humboldt County into a destination for marijuana aficionados, with tours and tastings - a sort of Napa Valley of pot."
Writer: AP
Date: Mar 27 2010 8:08 AM
# 353 Critique Analogy
Corn Ethanol Is The Dumbest Kid In The Class
a: Using ethanol for fuel ~
b: electing the dumbest kid in school as class president
What: He starts by attacking the use of corn-based ethanol in the U.S., commenting, "That's the first law of Disney at work--wishing will make it so. Using ethanol for fuel is like electing the dumbest kid in school as class president."
Writer: Bill Reinert
Date: Aug 8 2011 12:29 AM
# 1004 Critique Analogy
Ethanol Is Like Famine-for-profit
a: Ethanol ~
b: famine-for-profit
What: "Actually corn ethanol is like famine-for-profit. It causes global food prices to rise above the cost many poor families can afford. Thats the EU has banned US ethanol. Thats why when ethanol production rose in the US a couple years back people in other countries (including Haiti) were reduced to eating "mud cakes" (literally what they sound like).
Writer: polo
Date: Nov 16 2011 11:30 AM
# 1485 Critique Analogy
Ethanol Is Like Duke Basketball
a: Ethanol ~
b: Duke basketball
What: "Ethanol is like Duke basketball - it brings together all sorts of people in opposition. Its environmental downsides are large, it depends entirely on government subsidies, and it makes food more expensive." A discussion of the strange bed fellows that ethanol mandates have created.
Writer: Timothy P. Carney
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 16 2011 11:42 AM
# 1488 Critique Analogy
A Big Insect It Will Need To Be
a: Transgenic plant ~
b: hitting insect with a hammer
What: "The current crop of Bt genes for transgenic plants are like hitting each insect with a hammer on an anvil. No way can the insects evolve
resistance to a hammer."
Writer: Wayne M. Barnes
Date: May 15 2013 2:46 PM
# 3243 Critique Analogy

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