Collagen Is Like The Steel Of The Building
a: Collagen ~
b: the steel of the building
What: "Collagen is like the steel of the building," said Dr. Leconey. "It's what gives the skin its structural support. The sun messes up that support. The retin-a will help to rebuild that support."
Writer: Dr. Leconey
Date: Aug 12 2011 9:47 AM
# 1066 Critique Analogy
Collagen Is Like The Rebar
a: Collagen ~
b: the rebar
What: "The ability to produce collagen - Collagen is like the rebar (reinforcing steel bars) in a concrete foundation: it provides tensile strength and gives the aggregate minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, something to hold on to! Microcrystalline hydroxyapatite (MCHC) is the specific collagen in your bones."
Writer: Dr. Minshew
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 12 2011 9:54 AM
# 1085 Critique Analogy
Collagen Is Like Twisted Steel Cable
a: Collagen ~
b: twisted steel cable
What: Visualize a twisted steel cable. This is an excellent initiation to the molecular structure of collagen. It is long and thin like a cable. It consists of protein polymers the way steel cable is made up of sub-stands of steel cable. Look at the link for some really good visuals of steel. The visualization of collagen is pretty close, except collagen is made of 3 sub-strands.
Writer: LucretiaGermanica
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 12 2011 10:03 AM
# 1086 Critique Analogy
Collagen Is Like A Rubber Band
a: Collagen ~
b: a rubber band
What: "Collagen is like a rubber band but stretch that rubber band a million times, like what we do with our skin and without any moisture. Eventually that rubber band gets overstretched (saggy) and dried out and will most likely break."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Aug 12 2011 10:12 AM
# 1088 Critique Analogy
Collagen Is Like The Glue
a: Collagen ~
b: the glue
What: "Collagen is like the glue that holds the body together. Collagen production is dependent upon ample supplies of ascorbates." By ascorbates they mean Vitamin C.
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Aug 12 2011 10:13 AM
# 1089 Critique Analogy
Collagen Is Like A Spiderweb Network
a: Collagen ~
b: a spiderweb network
What: "Collagen is like a spiderweb network throughout the dermis. Elastin fibre gives skin its elastic properties and allows it to spring back after stretching."
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 12 2011 10:19 AM
# 1091 Critique Analogy
Collagen Is Like Scaffolding
a: Collagen ~
b: scaffolding
What: "Collagen and elastin are proteins in skin that diminish as we get older. Collagen is like scaffolding that gives skin its structure and keeps wrinkles from forming, while elastin is more like a spring-without it, skin loses its ability to bounce back and starts to sag."
Writer: Dr. Leslie Baumann
Date: Aug 12 2011 10:22 AM
# 1092 Critique Analogy
Helicoidal Collagen Is Like Good Springs ...
a: Helicoidal collagen ~
b: good springs in a matress
What: "The shape, not only the amount of the collagen molecules affects the mechanical properties of the skin. Helicoidal collagen is like good springs in a matress, nice and firm..."
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 12 2011 10:28 AM
# 1094 Critique Analogy
Collagen Is Like Rope
a: Collagen ~
b: rope
What: "Collagen is the best known structural protein. It is a globular protein with a triple helix configuration. It has lots of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine residues that stabilize the structure. Procollagen is made within the cell cytoplasm (such as a fibroblast) and secreted to the extracellular compartment where it is cleaved to collagen. Collagen is like rope."
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 12 2011 10:29 AM
# 1095 Critique Analogy
The Collagen Scaffolding
a: Collagen ~
b: the scaffolding
What: "Collagen is like the scaffolding for every connective tissue in your body. Connective tissues include: skin, muscles, ligaments, tendons, hair, bones, eyes, blood vessels, spinal discs, cartilage, the intestines, the heart, the liver... basically, everywhere. In fact, I can't actually name a part of the body that doesn't contain it."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Aug 12 2011 10:42 AM
# 1097 Critique Analogy
Collagen As Elastic Trouser Waist
a: Collagen ~
b: elastic trouser waist
What: "Collagen is like elastic and its breakdown can be likened to an elasticated trouser waist. When the elastic is pulled tight, you get a smooth surface but once the tension is released, you get wrinkles." Another valid clothing comparison would be the elastic bands on the top of your socks. When they wear out,your socks don't stay up properly.
Writer: Jason Shankey
Date: Aug 12 2011 10:47 AM
# 1098 Critique Analogy

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