women marriage family
The Male-female Relationship
a: The male-female relationship ~
b: a flower
What: "I have been shown that the male-female relationship is like that of a flower. The male is the stalk that holds the flower high. However, it is the flower and its petals that open and close daily. It is the flower that regulates life, that provides the pollen carried by the bees to create new life in the plant kingdom."
Date: Jun 12 2010 7:41 AM
# 450 Critique Analogy
Some Women
a: A woman ~
b: A tea bag
What: "A woman is like a tea bag- you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water."
Writer: Eleanor Roosevelt
Date: Jun 5 2010 8:10 AM
# 431 Critique Analogy
Marital Deafness
a: Being married ~
b: being deaf
What: "Being married is a lot like being deaf. If you hear the same person talking day-after-day, you literally lose the ability to hear what that person is saying. I will give you two examples from my own life. Both are true. This one happened last week:"...See the link for the whole story.....
Writer: Marital Deafness
Date: Jan 16 2011 12:47 PM
# 767 Critique Analogy
Child Rearing Experience Is Like A Blacksmiths For
a: Child rearing experience ~
b: a blacksmiths forge
What: "When a parent, in particular women dedicate their lives to juggling the unpaid job of raising their children and for most working a fulltime paid job on the side so to speak. They frequently blossom artistically or otherwise in whatever endeavor they so choose after their child rearing is no longer the primary focus of their lives. This child rearing experience is like a blacksmiths forge breaking them down and recreating them to be more pliable, more malleable, and stronger than ever. "
Writer: Byron Dudley
Date: Jul 18 2011 1:52 AM
# 903 Critique Analogy
Woman Is Like Stock Market
a: Woman ~
b: Stock market
What: "As you can see, woman is like stock market, very unpredictable." This is a Nice article in staccato toned writing.
Writer: Polite Market
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 9 2011 12:47 PM
# 1053 Critique Analogy
Too Much Dampness
a: Successful marriage ~
b: Building A Fire In The Rain
What: "It is in the art of the marriage relationship that a husband and wife grow together in conflict and quiet resolution. It's kinda like trying to build a fire in the rain. It can be done, but boy it sure takes a lot of extra work."
Writer: Lon
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Mar 8 2013 3:13 PM
# 2630 Critique Analogy

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