internal medicine
My Pancreas
a: My pancreas ~
b: a bad thermostat
What: "My pancreas is like a bad thermostat. When "normal" people start running/working out, their pancreas stops sending insulin so the sugar can be utilized by the muscle....." The link between a thermostat is a valid one. Most people understand how a thermostat works. It an electromechanical device that's sensitive to temperature changes. Likewise, the Pancreas is an organ that's sensitive to glucose fluctuations.
Writer: BAMArunner
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 27 2010 5:44 AM
# 700 Critique Analogy
New Stuff To Be Found
a: Neuroscience ~
b: Victorian physics
What: "Our knowledge of neuroscience is like Victorian physics or even more primitive than that," he says, and that's what makes it enjoyable.
Writer: V .S. Ramachandran
Date: May 24 2013 2:25 PM
# 3262 Critique Analogy
Reductionism Ruj Amok?
a: Neuroscience ~
b: a 3 year old child with a jigsaw puzzle
What: "Modern neuroscience is like a three-year-old child with a jigsaw pu zzle -- it is much better at taking things apart than at putting them back together again." The link is a very good about the limits of study the human nervous system by cutting it into little pieces.
Writer: Vikaas Sohal
Date: May 24 2013 2:36 PM
# 3265 Critique Analogy
Making A 0.99 To A Whole Dollar....
a: An antioxidant ~
b: a wealthy person
What: "The antioxidant is like a wealthy person who is looking to donate money to a charity" The charity in this case is 0.99 cents that wants to be a dollar. See the link for a very good discussion comparing money and electron transfer and the affects of antioxidants.
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jul 15 2013 7:16 PM
# 3355 Critique Analogy

METAMIA is a free database of analogy
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The subject matter can be anything.
Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged.
The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with
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Metamia is like a girdle for your muses,
a cognitive girdle.
Browse Analogies by Library of Congress Catagory: