chemical engineering


Silicon Wafer Manufacturing

a: Making silicon wafers ~
b: making pizza

What: "Imagine that making chips is like making pizza, with the silicon wafer being the dough and the electronic features the cheese, sauce and toppings."

Writer: Tom Abate,Chronicle
Date: Apr 6 2010 1:35 AM

Computer Chip Manufacturing And Water

a: Creating a computer chip ~
b: building a skyscraper one floor at a time

What: "Creating a computer chip -- be it for a laptop, camera, or microwave -- is like building a skyscraper one floor at a time"....This is a discussion about why microchips use a lot of water and how it affects local water consumption in places where there may not be enough water. I think this is why Intel has manufacturing plants in Oregon, next to the Columbia river.

Writer: Erik Vance
Date: Jan 28 2011 3:03 AM

"introduction To Forensic Science"

a: Electrophoresis ~
b: stream containing many nets with holes

What: "One analogy that has been used is that gel electrophoresis is like a stream containing many nets with holes in them placed across the stream (the stream's current is analogous to the electrical charge running through the gel). The smallest fish in the stream pass through the nets most easily and will emerge downstream the fastest. Larger fish travel through the netting obstacles more slowly and, therefore, emerge at a later time. In a similar fashion, the smallest fragments pass through the gel fastest and travel the farthest. Larger fragments travel more slowly and are found closer to the starting point."

Writer: J. T. Spencer
Date: May 7 2013 10:00 AM

An Induced Fit

a: Enzyme ~
b: woolen glove

What: "the enzyme is like a woolen glove which can be wrapped around the hand and just as it(woolen glove) adjust itself to wrap the hand, so does the enzyme." The substrate binds with an enzyme, which can change the shape of that enzyme which helps activated that enzyme. p. 69 in the linked text...

Writer: Dubasi Govardhana Ra
Date: May 7 2013 10:42 AM

Bring The Molecules Together....

a: Enzyme ~
b: match maker

What: see the link for a nice clean discussion of how an enzyme works.

Writer: Steve Hammack
Date: May 7 2013 10:46 AM

Not A Dumb Gun....

a: 3-d printing ~
b: a very smart glue gun

What: I was at the Sunnyvale library. They displayed some of the objects that could be made with the device that they had purchased through a grant. The Librarian said it cost about $2000. Not bad. She showed me the feeder material which is a long spool of plastic(PLA). It looked like a huge spool of very thick pink fishing line. This spool of plastic gets fed into the device the way a cylinder of glue gets fed into a glue gun. Except in this case the glue gun is a head which can be manipulated like a precision tool.

Writer: A Sunnyvale Librarian
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jun 18 2013 3:53 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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