social science
Credit default swaps
a: Credit default swaps ~
b: Burning down a house you don't own
What: From article:
"See, in everyday life, you can't insure things you don't own. Thankfully, your neighbor can't take out homeowners insurance on your house. If the entire town could buy insurance on one house, they'd have a huge incentive to make sure it was destroyed. They'd burn it down, blow it up, bulldoze it, what have you, pocket gobs of insurance claims for their trouble, and happily move onto the next town. For good reason, laws prohibit this."
Writer: Morgan Housel
Date: Sep 6 2009 4:55 AM
# 59 Critique Analogy
Investing, Stock Market
a: Stock picking ~
b: beauty contest
What: "so that each competitor has to pick not those faces which he himself finds prettiest, but those which he thinks likeliest to catch the fancy of the other competitors, all of whom are looking at the problem from the same point of view."---The rest is a good discussion of the dynamics of stock picking.
Writer: Jeff Saut
Date: Sep 15 2009 4:09 AM
# 74 Critique Analogy
a: Easy credit ~
b: Sugar High
What: This is just 10 of them. There are many more on the brink of bankruptcy! This is not because their services are not needed or anything like that. This is simply because the money supply is deflating! Credit has been inflated for 50 years. We borrowed and spent. We inflated the prices. When we borrow, banks create money. We borrowed faster than the GDP growth. It is an artificial sugar high.
Writer: Vincent Fernando
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Sep 23 2009 3:34 AM
# 75 Critique Analogy
Mortgage Backed Securities
a: Mortgage backed securities ~
b: lasagna with several layers of human feces
What: "2000 layer lasagna with several layers of human feces"
I believe good loans are packaged with some small fraction of bad loans. The fraction of bad loans are based on the historical averages of loan defaults. What
the "inventors" of this financial product didn't consider is that there may be a time when the rate of foreclosures goes to an all time high.
Writer: Steven Colbert
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Sep 27 2009 7:54 AM
# 79 Critique Analogy
a: Monetary policy ~
b: Hail Mary Pass
What: "The Federal Reserve is now faced with a challenge that is akin to threading a needle by throwing a spool of thread across a football field. It is attempting to keep loose money and quantitative easing policies in place long enough not to stymie the nascent recovery while pulling them back in time to avoid massive inflation. It's a Hail Mary pass with an impossibly small target while facing a blitz."
Writer: John Carney
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 7 2009 5:48 AM
# 113 Critique Analogy
China's Economy
a: China economy ~
b: The movie "Speed"
What: Remember the 1994 movie "Speed"? A young cop (Keanu Reeves) had to save passengers on a bus that would explode if its speed dropped below 50 m.p.h. Well, China is like that bus with 1.3 billion people aboard. If the Communist Party can't keep the economy growing at a fast clip, the result will be catastrophic.
Writer: Vitaliy N. Katsenel
Date: Mar 20 2010 9:36 AM
# 346 Critique Analogy
Internet Commerce
a: Facebook ~
b: Starbucks
What: "Facebook is like a Starbucks where everyone hangs out for hours but almost never buys anything."
Writer: Chris Dixon
Date: Apr 11 2010 8:08 AM
# 375 Critique Analogy
Silicon Valley Economy
a: Silicon valley economy ~
b: A Mavericks Wave
What: Both come in sets, big sets. Both are known far and wide for their power. People flock from around the world to get in on the action. Both can brutally crash down on those who are not prepared for the ride. The trick is to know which wave to catch, how long to ride it and most importantly, knowing when to bail out so you don't get smashed on the rocks. So watch out, you don't want to be high tech equivalent of Mark Foo.
Writer: mattyflynn
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 1 2010 10:22 AM
# 387 Critique Analogy
Rule of Thirds
a: Ideal Picture Composition ~
b: Ideal Portfolio Balance
What: The "Rule of Thirds" brings balance to composition and investing. When composing a picture, cut the picture into thirds height-wise and width-wise. Never put the subject in the middle of the picture, vertically or horizontally. Money management has a similar starting point as far as I am concerned. Put 1/3 of your money in stocks, 1/3 in bonds and 1/3 in cash. After this starting point, move it around as you see fit. Stocks will can give erratic large growth, bonds will give small steady growth and cash gives liquidity. Of course, in both contexts, these rules are an ideal staring points and should be modified to get the optimal effect. The outcome: you feel alright when looking at works of art and less crappy when one of your investments blows up.
Writer: JerryStekka
Date: May 19 2010 7:20 AM
# 396 Critique Analogy
Small cap biotech investing
a: Investing in a Small Cap Biotech ~
b: Playing roulette with a rigged wheel
What: This Seattle Times story is a great piece of investigative journalism. The story was written in 2005 and is probably relevant today. The fact that Hedge Funds have paid doctors to discuss their work is something anyone contemplating this type of investment should consider. According to the story, which is very credible, hedge funds have paid doctors to discuss the results of the drug they are working on. These exclusive investors got info, before the company, before the regulatory agencies and before retail investors. As noted, these small biotech usually have 1 drug in the clinic, so information on that drug can significantly move the stock price up or down. These types of exchanges are totally slimy, typically violate NDAs and put individual investors at a severe disadvantage.
Writer: LucretiaGermanica
Date: May 22 2010 1:44 AM
# 403 Critique Analogy
Silicon Valley 2009
a: Silicon valley ~
b: Bankrupt store
What: "Silicon Valley is like a bankrupt store up for auction. Quite a few small companies with high innovation and R&D potential can be had for a good price, and many of the buyers are from China and Taiwan."
Writer: Sally Callahan
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 28 2010 10:18 AM
# 424 Critique Analogy
General Motors
a: General motors ~
b: an elephant
What: "Revitalizing General Motors is like teaching an elephant to tap-dance. You find the sensitive spots and start poking."
Writer: Roger Smith
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jun 5 2010 8:10 AM
# 430 Critique Analogy
Income Inequality
a: Criticizing income inequality ~
b: Complaining that a computer carries a higher price
What: "Income inequality is an effect. The cause is the difference in people's economic production. Criticizing income inequality is like complaining that a computer carries a higher price than a paper clip. Price reflects an object's market value--and the money someone earns reflects the market value of his work."
Writer: Peter Schwartz
Date: Oct 19 2010 4:49 AM
# 642 Critique Analogy
Finding work on the Internet
a: Finding work on the Internet ~
b: selling your car on Craigslist
What: "Finding work on the Internet is like selling your car on Craigslist. Of your 25 responses, 3 people might really show up. One of them is going to be a pot smoking hippie with no money who will want to barter. One will be a cheap Asian guy that will try to get the car for free and third person will be a middle aged chubby women who will offer to throw in a few favors if you lower the price."
Writer: YahooUser
Date: Jan 14 2011 1:17 AM
# 709 Critique Analogy
Valuation oriented investing
a: Valuation oriented investing ~
b: being pregnant
What: "Valuation oriented investing is very much like being pregnant. You get to know whether and not when. " See the rest in the link.....
Writer: William Smead
Date: Dec 14 2010 2:26 AM
# 715 Critique Analogy
American Capitalism
a: American capitalism ~
b: a sailboat trying to go up-wind
What: "American capitalism is like a sailboat trying to go up-wind: it will have to wildly zig and zag in the hopes of ultimately reaching its destination. Meanwhile, everyone else is trying to catch up to us.".....I believe the nautical term is "tacking".............
Writer: Leo
Date: Dec 17 2010 2:12 AM
# 718 Critique Analogy
American capitalism
a: American capitalism ~
b: a wine press
What: "For we who do the producing (or once did the producing back when workers were still considered a necessary evil)the truth is that American capitalism is like a wine press. It squeezes the masses for the money representing their productivity, in a process otherwise known as the virtual economy."
Writer: Joe Bageant
Date: Dec 17 2010 2:30 AM
# 719 Critique Analogy
Biotech Investing
a: Biotech investing ~
b: Gambling In Vegas
What: "Why Biotech Investing Is Like Gambling In Vegas"----see the Forbes Article about the pitfalls of Biotech investing. I say it's more like donating to charity. It's something only the rich should dabble in 'cause you'll probably loose all your investments. And the comparison to Vegas is weak. If you know what your doing gambling, say 21 and dice, the odds are know and are manageable. The Biotech odds are in the 1/10 or 1/50 range. Not a good bet by any stretch of the imagination.
Writer: Robert Langreth
Date: Dec 28 2010 2:03 AM
# 731 Critique Analogy
Investing and sex
a: Investing ~
b: sex
What: The article has jokes and 10 reasons investing is like sex. For example number 7:"Low confidence can keep you out of the market." The rest are funny AND true.
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jan 4 2011 2:08 AM
# 755 Critique Analogy
Successful Investing
a: Successful investing ~
b: planting acorns
What: "Successful investing is like planting acorns and watching them turn into oak trees. Speculating, on the other hand, is like playing with".....See the link for the rest......
Writer: Steve Sarnoff
Date: Jan 4 2011 2:13 AM
# 756 Critique Analogy
The Put Call Ratio
a: The put call ratio ~
b: a tourniquet
What: "The put/call ratio is like a tourniquet. If you are bleeding and you apply it correctly, you will survive...."---> See the rest in the link....
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jan 10 2011 3:29 AM
# 757 Critique Analogy
High Frequency Traders
a: High frequency trader ~
b: a tennis player at the net
What: "High frequency traders are like tennis players at the net. It's high risk and very fast. They're in and out in a minute, spotting price anomalies, holding positions for 30 seconds and up to two minutes," .... The linked article about stock trading and hormones.
Writer: John M. Coates
Date: Jan 25 2011 1:42 AM
# 758 Critique Analogy
Financial Crisis Metaphors
a: The financial crisis ~
b: a Bazooka, tsunamis and tortoise
What: This article is a critique of metaphors used by financial regulators to explain the nature and depth of the 2008 money implosion. The author offers some alternatives....
Writer: Max Frumes
Date: Jan 16 2011 11:55 AM
# 766 Critique Analogy
Equity analyst
a: Equity analyst ~
b: one man fighting against an army of advisors
What: "At a recent IR conference, retail analyst Tony Shiret complained that, on results day, the analyst is like one man fighting against an army of advisors employed by the company to push its message." This article discusses the balance of power between stock analyst and the IR departments in large companies.
Writer: Tim Human
Date: Jan 26 2011 2:23 AM
# 781 Critique Analogy
Finding a good analyst
a: Finding a good analyst ~
b: finding the best dressed person in a nudist colony
What: "Finding a good analyst is like finding the best dressed person in a nudist colony."...This page is a critical discussion of stock analysis. These a gold prospector analogy in the mix also.
Writer: Afrezza ?
Date: Jan 26 2011 2:46 AM
# 784 Critique Analogy
The H1-b Visa Holder As Indentured Servent
a: The h1-b visa holder ~
b: an indentured servant
What: "As a software consultant, I have interacted technically with many H1-B visa holders over the years. One of the provisions of the H1-B visa program is that the visa holder stay employed. This requirement gave the sponsor of the visa holder tremendous leverage. Visa holders could be forced to take unattractive jobs i.e. low pay, long commutes, forced relocation. In some respects, the visa holder is like an indentured servant." And they want to do more of out.....
Writer: FedUp
Date: Aug 2 2011 12:35 PM
# 938 Critique Analogy
The Charlie Sheen Stock Market
a: The stock market ~
b: Charlie Sheen
What: "Much like Charlie Sheen, who seems to believe that all publicity is good publicity, recent market behavior suggests that we are in the part of the cycle where 'all news is good news'.
Writer: David Einhorn
Date: Aug 9 2011 11:44 AM
# 1036 Critique Analogy
Stocks In December As Beachwear
a: Buying stocks in december ~
b: buying a bikini in December
What: The link is to an article about buying stocks in December and how that is somewhat like buying bikinis in December. The basis for the statement is somewhat sound based on stock price history. On average, stock prices, find their low at the end of the year. This includes weak stocks as well as strong stocks. So you may not be able to use a bikini in December, but wait Spring or Summer and those December purchase may look much more useful.
Writer: Mick Weinstein
Date: Dec 22 2011 1:31 PM
# 1587 Critique Analogy
Layoff As Bowel Movement
a: Layoff ~
b: an organizational bowel movement
What: The body, the organization, feeds on the emotional energy of the money it takes in and the people in the organization. The employees can be consumed as psychic sustenance for the leadership. But as with all living things, they body needs to purge. Thus the layoffs. The people who have been psychically digested and can no longer provide emotions energy for the leadership class, are shit out of the system in a process called layoff.
Writer: LucretiaMia
Date: May 9 2012 10:52 AM
# 2075 Critique Analogy

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