therapeutics pharmacology
a: Avastin ~
b: Crime
What: The comment I heard, I wish I could remember the site was than Avastin was like taking the knives away form the criminals, so they went out and got guns. It may make cancer cells more virulent.
Writer: LucretiaGermanica
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 20 2009 10:55 AM
# 29 Critique Analogy
Big Pharma Drug Development Is Like Government
a: Clincal trial ~
b: Government
What: "Early-stage is a democracy; late-stage is a terror. More often than not in late stages, we didn't understand the disease as well as we thought we did," Turner said. "So you have to have size, I think, to buffer against those late-stage shocks."
Writer: Ransdell Pierson
Date: Sep 23 2009 11:53 PM
# 78 Critique Analogy
a: Avastin ~
b: The Wright brothers' aircraft
What: "Avastin is like the Wright brothers' aircraft - the first evidence of the feasibility of an idea that not everyone believed in, certainly not after all the failures," says Tiltan Pharma CEO Yigal Stav."
Writer: Gali Weinreb
Date: May 2 2010 9:13 AM
# 389 Critique Analogy
Epo=high Octane Blood
a: Epo-epogen ~
b: kerosene (Jet Fuel)
What: "In my day as a rider we had dope, sure; but it was nothing like today. Nothing like EPO. For the riders EPO is like kerosene," said then Tour de France director Jean-Marie Le Blanc in 1999.---> This page is a review of the use of drugs in cycling. I want to push the analogy. EPO is more like the octane booster you put in your car to improve its performance. EPO increases an athletes oxygen carrying capacity and thus improves performance dramatically in situations in which an athlete needs a high oxygen capacity,such as riding a bicycle up a mountain. The drug was developed for people who had chronic anemia due to illness. It was co-opted by athletes to improve their endurance.
Writer: Jean-Marie Le Blanc
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 25 2010 2:38 AM
# 649 Critique Analogy
Pharma Marketing Can't Change Course...
a: Pharma ~
b: big ship trying to turn around in a small river
What: "pharma is like a big ship trying to turn around in a small river". ..The link is a discussion about all the changes in pharma marketing in the past couple years.
Writer: Rich
Date: Feb 3 2011 3:00 AM
# 792 Critique Analogy
Getting The Bad Actors
a: Vaccination ~
b: a dress rehearsal
What: "Vaccination is like a dress rehearsal for your immune system so it is prepared for the 'real show'."
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 6 2012 11:29 AM
# 2524 Critique Analogy
Antibiotic Is Like Some Alien Race
a: Antibiotic ~
b: some alien race
What: "Imagine that the antibiotic is like some alien race that comes to Earth and kills everyone who's 5-foot-10 or shorter," says Heseltine. "What you have left over is a bunch of big, angry people who reproduce and create even more big, angry people."
Writer: Dr. David Pegues
Date: Jul 18 2011 12:26 AM
# 892 Critique Analogy
Poorly Soluble Drugs Are Like Peanut Butter
a: Poorly soluble drugs ~
b: Peanut Butter
What: "Two shots because Rocephin, in addition to being a powerful broad-spectrum antibiotic, is like peanut butter and they have to mix it with a numbing agent to make it tolerable" I assuming she's talking about a poorly soluble drug. Some molecules are like peanut butter; they are poorly soluble in water and need to be emulsified to work effectively. Think mayonnaise or italian dressing as common emulsions.
Writer: Mindi
Date: Jul 18 2011 12:34 AM
# 893 Critique Analogy
Computers Or Camping
a: Vaccination ~
b: installing anti-virus software
What: 'For example, saying that "getting a vaccination is like installing anti-virus software" may have meaning to someone familiar with computers. But if the person prefers camping to computing, you might say instead that "getting a vaccine is like putting on bug spray before going out in the woods."'
Writer: Helen Osborne, MEd,
Date: Dec 6 2012 11:36 AM
# 2526 Critique Analogy

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