natural history biology


Brachiosaurus Is Like A Vacuum Cleaner

a: Brachiosaurus ~
b: a vacuum cleaner

What: This is an interesting idea. Vacuum cleaners have long swivel necks and suck up large amount of material. This makes for effecient cleaning. The Brachiosaurus had a long swivel neck to grasp as much vegatation as possible and it didn't stop to chew, it swallowed the food whole.

Writer: Michael Balter
Date: Aug 2 2011 1:18 PM

Rejecting Evolution Is Like

a: Rejecting evolution ~
b: understand chemistry without the Periodic Table

What: "UC San Diego biologist Ajit Varki doesn't want to debate evolution. Doing that, he said, would make people think there's something to debate. For him, rejecting evolution is like trying to understand chemistry without the Periodic Table of the Elements or arguing that Earth is flat. "

Writer: Ajit Varki
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 7 2011 11:27 AM

Dna Testing As Biochemcial Geneology

a: Mitochondrial dna testing ~
b: maternal biochemcial geneolgy

What: As note just about every where, mammals, human beings can trace their maternal lineage by having their mitochondrial DNA sequenced. This DNA does not cross-over with male DNA and therefore its sequence shows much lower variability than nuclear DNA that has been recombined with paternal DNA. So a comparison of an individuals DNA to other's DNA can give a hint about how closely they may be related, on the mother's lineage.

Writer: LucyG
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 16 2011 1:15 AM

Whales Can Sequester Carbon

a: Whale ~
b: Tree

What: Very nice association stated here. Large trees sequester carbon, a lot of carbon, and hold it for a long time since they live so long. The writer applies the same idea to whales. They are large, made of carbon and live a long time. They would be very efficient carbon banks.

Writer: Andy Pershing
Date: Jan 21 2012 11:53 AM

Violence As Shivering

a: Violence ~
b: Shivering

What: Good association. Violence is like shivering, a biological response to a change in environment. The comment in the discussion , was that most people have analogized violence as thirst, a basic human function. Pinker is trying to re-frame the discussion around human nature.

Writer: Steven Pinker
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 9 2012 1:00 PM

The Oxygen Explosion.....

a: Photosynthesis ~
b: the Big Bang in evolution

What: "Photosynthesis is like the Big Bang in evolution", defends James Barber, one of the greatest worldwide experts in this matter. "Thanks to it we have evolution of life on Earth as we know it today".

Writer: James Barber
Date: Dec 13 2012 1:03 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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