Dark Matter
a: Dark matter ~
b: a man in a black tux and a women in a
What: "Dark matter can not be seen. Dark matter is like a man in a black tux and a women in a white dress dancing in a dim lighted room. We can not see dark matter (hents the name) But we can see the Bright matter. We know there is dark matter because we see the lighted matter and know that their in balance with each other."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jun 8 2010 9:40 AM
# 443 Critique Analogy
Color Of Black Holes
a: A black hole ~
b: smouldering embers in a dying fire
What: "He predicted that black holes should not actually be black. Instead, because of the quirks of quantum mechanics, they should glow ever so faintly, like smouldering embers in a dying fire." There is also a nice image of black holes drying up like a puddle of water in summer time.
Writer: Anonymous Economist
Date: Sep 30 2010 9:48 AM
# 604 Critique Analogy
Collision Of Electromagnetic Energy And Matter
a: The interaction of a charged object and an electric field ~
b: the sea lifting and dropping a ship
What: "Your analogies for visualizing the interaction are nice: The classical interaction of a charged object in a changing electric field (like the water molecule dipole in the microwave) is like the sea lifting and dropping a ship. The interactions of quantum photons with other quantum particles are better thought of as 'impacts.'"........see the link for the rest..
Writer: Flip Tanedo
Date: Jan 28 2011 3:31 AM
# 686 Critique Analogy
A Fish Contemplating Water As Humans
a: A human being contemplating magnetism ~
b: a fish contemplating water
What: "A human being contemplating magnetism is like a fish contemplating water. The fish is in water, water is in the fish ( and surrounding every cell). The fish gets its oxygen, thus its energy source from the water. Comparing this image to the fish swimming joyously in a clear, clean, beautiful mountain stream. Now picture the fish struggling for life, gasping for air, sick and sluggish in a scummy, toxic, stagnant pond."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Nov 24 2011 1:08 PM
# 1518 Critique Analogy
Dna As Farmres Market
a: Alpha particle ~
b: an out of Control Mack Tuck
What: The real number is more like 800-1000 cells, per alpha particle impact. Because the alpha particle is like a "an out of Control Mack Tuck Careening through the Farmers Market with a confused and inept driver" A discussion of how high energy particles can damage tissue.
Writer: fossilfreedom
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jul 15 2013 6:46 PM
# 3351 Critique Analogy
Stored Cars?
a: Capacitor ~
b: a parking lot
What: "
The capacitor stores a charge. If we use the same analogy of the circuit and road, a capacitor will be a parking lot. The same number of charges are always stored at the plus and minus sides in an electronic circuit."
Writer: Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Date: Jul 22 2013 6:25 PM
# 3415 Critique Analogy
It Can Run, But Not Too Far...
a: Conducting electron in a metal ~
b: a racing dog fenced in a pasture
What: A conducting electron in a metal is like a racing dog fenced in a pasture. They are free to roam around as much as they want and can run the entire length, width, and depth of the metal on a whim.
Writer: Glenn Elert
Date: Aug 1 2013 3:10 PM
# 3532 Critique Analogy

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