electrical nuclear engineering
Electrical Engineering
a: Electric current ~
b: Pressurized water pipes
What: "Electrical Engineering - Introductory students are taught that electrical current is like a network of pressurized water pipes."
Writer: moocow300
Date: Oct 6 2009 1:05 AM
# 106 Critique Analogy
Where Does All The Waste Go?
a: A nuclear power plant ~
b: a mansion without toilet
What: "We do not know what to do hazardous nuclear waste. A nuclear power plant is like a mansion without toilet. Nuclear does not allow an error. But there is no such an operation with no error. Regardless whether we have sufficient electric power or not, we should not use nuclear power. But we actually have enough other sources of power and does not need nuclear power."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: May 10 2012 4:34 PM
# 2115 Critique Analogy
Then It Grows Up And.......
a: A nuclear power plant ~
b: a little kitten
What: "For me, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is like a little kitten, which demands care and attention. In order not to let it become stray, wild and dangerous."
Writer: Michael Forster Roth
Date: May 10 2012 4:37 PM
# 2116 Critique Analogy

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