

Understanding The Solar Cycle

a: Solar cycle ~
b: Human Heart beat

What: "We should give the solar guys a bit of a break here, we seem happy to taunt when someone's estimate falls flat. I don't get that. An analogy I read somewhere is that understanding the solar cycle is like a doctor trying to understand how the human heart works on the basis of 23 heartbeats, and only having a decent stethoscope for the last 4 or 5."

Writer: Dan
Date: Jun 12 2010 7:41 AM

A Desiccated Star

a: Star without hydrogen ~
b: a dry fish

What: "But what makes them really special is that their spectral lines show *little or no hydrogen*. Since most of the universe is made of hydrogen, a star without hydrogen is like a dry fish. How can this be?"

Writer: John Baez
Date: Nov 12 2012 4:15 PM

That Sheet Analogyy Continues..

a: Space time ~
b: a rubber sheet

What: and the big objects, some say a bowling ball can distort the sheet and push it around and stuff................

Writer: Randall Munroe
Date: Dec 9 2012 12:49 PM

What Is The Taste Of Fried Space Time

a: Space time ~
b: a questionable sausage

What: Space-time is like a questionable sausage: nobody knows who or what made it, or where it came from, or what it's made of, and if you eat it all you'll probably die. Moral: don't eat space-time.

Writer: iconmaster
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 9 2012 12:57 PM

Sum Mixed Up Metaphorresss...

a: Space voyage ~
b: long trip with roads and valleys

What: "A long-distance space voyage is like a road trip over "a substantial number of hills and valleys," explains Olds, now a project engineer at Analytical Mechanics Associates, Inc., in Hampton, Va. The differential evolution algorithm takes advantage of those ups and downs by helping the spacecraft make use of gravity's peaks and valleys."

Writer: Aaron Olds
Date: May 15 2013 9:42 PM

Gravity Energy And Stuff......

a: Energy density ~
b: pressure under water on a rock

What: "the source of gravity is not mass. Mass is inert, passive and subject to force from the energy density of free space. Energy density is like pressure under water on a rock. The pressure is equal and opposite to energy it has displaced. Matter is constantly seeking it's own level just like water. That is the level where all gravitational potential is equal throughout all of space. Matter displaces energy just like water. Two bodies gravitate because energy field equilibrium is upset by neighbor body. As bodies get closer, the force increases because energy field displaced is inversely proportional to distance squared. and they accelerate according to Newton's law. I call it the "energy displacement theory". Matter displaces energy. Matter has no physical meaning. It is merely "energy not" to use a boolean term."

Writer: rich-cliff-han
Date: Jul 30 2013 3:34 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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