economics business
Economic Steroidization
a: Us economy ~
b: Injured runner on steroids
What: "The global economy reminds me of a marathon runner who runs too hard and hurts himself. But now he has another race to run. So he's injected with some serious, industrial-quality steroids, and away he goes."---see the link....
Writer: Vitaliy Katsenelson
Date: Nov 19 2009 1:40 AM
# 174 Critique Analogy
a: Prep for sales ~
b: painting your house
What: "Hearing the frustration in my voice, he decided to review the preparation with me.
The furniture had been pulled to the middle and covered so the paint didn't splash on any of it. Yeah, I got that part.
He went on to explain the white blotches on the wall was the plaster to cover the holes and dimples, and the blue tape is to make sure the trim will be separated from the color of the wall and look clean and neat.
And the white was the primer to help the paint adhere and hold the true color.
The very next day, I walked in and voila - a gorgeous, warm taupe on all of the walls. In one day! (Well, one day plus three.) And it was beautiful!
I am not telling you this to teach you about painting. I am telling you because we often forget how most jobs done right are done well with more and better preparation."
Writer: Greta Schulz
Date: Feb 17 2010 2:20 AM
# 286 Critique Analogy
Whole Foods Shopping
a: Whole foods ~
b: Shopping at an Art Museum
What: I'm too frugal (cheap) to shop at Whole Foods, but my friend likes to buy the skin cream there. So we used to go there and walk around looking for beauty products. (She's French and a bit of
a narcissists). Walking around in there I got the impression that
the packaging was similar to the items at museum gift shops; very
well thought,very expensive and great packaging.
Writer: LucretiaGermanica
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jul 20 2010 8:32 AM
# 521 Critique Analogy
Us Income Distribution
a: Us income distribution ~
b: A Third Word Country
What: "The U.S.? Our income distribution is more in line with Zimbabwe, Argentina, and El Salvador. We think of Russia as the land of oligarchs, but America's inequality is actually slightly greater than Russia's."
Writer: Brett Arends
Date: Jul 21 2010 12:03 AM
# 529 Critique Analogy
Revenue Decoupling
a: Revenue decoupling ~
b: using a steam-roller to crack a peanut
What: "As a regulatory policy mechanism, revenue decoupling is like using a steam-roller to crack a peanut:". This is an arcane discussion of regulating public utilities in Utah.
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 6 2010 12:22 AM
# 609 Critique Analogy
Market Generated Income Differences
a: Income inequality ~
b: Bernoulli's principle in aviation
What: "So generally I agree with you - market generated income differences are not unfair. Indeed, that's the whole point. As I've said before, income inequality is like Bernoulli's principle in aviation. You HAVE to have inequality to create lift". This is kinda sketchy as an analogy.
Writer: danielkuehn
Date: Oct 19 2010 4:53 AM
# 643 Critique Analogy
Smartphone Market
a: The smartphone market ~
b: the PC industry in the late '80s
What: "Where the mobile and smartphone market is right now was more like the PC industry in the late '80s and '90s," McCarron said.------>The article is about microprocessor market for smartphones. It good if you are investing here......
Writer: Agam Shah, IDG News
Date: Dec 22 2010 1:41 AM
# 722 Critique Analogy
a: Capitalism ~
b: bacteria
What: "Capitalism is like bacteria - always seems to win in the end, despite the development of new antibiotics (regulations) that apparently mutate and become ineffective over time." This is superior association. This analogy links the dynamism of capitalism with a very dynamic life-form.
Writer: wisensale
Date: Jul 31 2011 1:18 PM
# 936 Critique Analogy
Steve Jobs And Frank Lloyd Wright
a: Steve jobs ~
b: Frank LLoyd Wright
What: The unifying points:
They both micro-managed the forms. Jobs controlled all the design elements like Wright. Wright designed his houses as a whole, the yard, the house, the windows, the furniture, the plates on the dinner room table and the dress that the host was supposed to wear. All the elements were all under his control. You see the same type of design wholeness with the Apple products. Apple designs the whole system and controls the technical and aesthetics of every product they make. So were these guys great systematic thinkers, control freaks or both?
Writer: Lucretia Gemanica
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Sep 12 2011 6:08 PM
# 1320 Critique Analogy
Marketing As Debt
a: Marketing ~
b: debt
What: Marketing is debt. Currently, I'm taking a marketing class. It's surprising the amount of jargon and verbose speech that the marketing types use. Forty words are used when 15 will probably get the message across. I guess that is why there is often so much tension between the technical people and the marketing people. This probably occurs in all industries , especially software and pharmaceuticals. The technical people think the marking people are useless. The markers think the technical people just don't get it. As with many things, like debt,a little marketing goes a long way, if used in the rigtht place and the right time. There should be enough applied to raise awareness of a product. It's like debt in that sense. a little bit will help promote and grow and business, while too much without tending to the substance of the business, will not help much.
Writer: LucyG
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Feb 1 2012 2:47 PM
# 1635 Critique Analogy
Affordable Energy Is Like Fertilizer For An Econom
a: Affordable energy ~
b: fertilizer for an economy
What: "Affordable energy is like fertilizer for an economy, but taxing it to make it more expensive is like sowing salt in a field."
Writer: Daniel Kish
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Feb 11 2012 1:34 PM
# 1687 Critique Analogy
Burning Down The Stock Forrest
a: Stock market correction ~
b: Forrest Fire
What: This comment is at ~ 4:00 minutes in the linked podcast. It's a discussion of the stock market correction on or around May 2012. The link is to a really good of stock market dynamics by IBD.
Writer: Matthew Galgani
Date: May 19 2012 3:56 PM
# 2264 Critique Analogy
Stock Trading As Party
a: Stock trading ~
b: a party
What: The people that have the most fun at a party are those that arrive a little late and leave a bit early. They get the most of fun out of the event. Kiss Kiss gotta go, is the way to go. Trading , not investing, has a similar pattern. You want to make sure the stock, the party, is moving and grooving, and then jump into it little by little. Ease your way into it. And once it get going, add a little more, but not too much. Then, and here's the hard part, sense when it's all about to end and make a graceful exit. ie, sell you position.
Writer: LucretiaMia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jun 18 2012 7:21 PM
# 2373 Critique Analogy
Some Serious Dope.....
a: Federal reserve ~
b: drug addict
What: "It's sort of like a drug. You get some benefits if you keep using it-you know, run up debt, run up inflation, monetize the debt, make a bigger bubble," he explained. "Just like a drug addiction, the drug addict feels better when he keeps getting drugs."
Writer: Ron Paul
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 11 2012 1:10 PM
# 2555 Critique Analogy
The Long Con......
a: Federal reserve ~
b: con artist
What: "The Federal Reserve is like a con artist that is desperately trying to stay one step ahead of everyone else. The folks at the Fed know that the debt that the U.S. government has accumulated is not sustainable and will eventually collapse."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Dec 11 2012 1:17 PM
# 2557 Critique Analogy
Murky Watery Economic Metaphors
a: Federal reserve ~
b: the moon
What: "The Fed "has helped raise the tide" he told Dow Jones Newswires reporter Michael Derby today in a video interview broadcast via But a lot of U.S. employers' boats' "are still tied to the dock or they've sailed to foreign ports," where the regulatory climate is presumed to be more favorable."
Writer: Richard Fisher
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 11 2012 1:40 PM
# 2562 Critique Analogy
Sometimes It Hurts
a: Sales management ~
b: Brushing a Little Girls Hair
What: "Managing a sales team is very similar. There are a bunch of things sales people yell "ouch" about. Entering stuff into the CRM system, doing expense reports, administration tasks, making cold calls, etc., all drive sales people crazy. Getting sales people to embrace all aspects of their job is no different than brushing my girls hair. You have to engage them in the process. It's sales leaderships job to find ways for the sales team to own the process and to feel like they are participating NOT having something done to them."
Writer: Keenan
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 7 2013 8:13 PM
# 2690 Critique Analogy
A Metaphorical Restaurant
a: Chuck e cheese ~
b: a free market
What: "Chuck E. Cheese is like a free market. We can do whatever we want. Some can sit around in the balls, some can be entertained by the robotic performers, some can eat their life away in pizza, and some can work hard on the games, perfecting their skill to earn the maximum number of tickets. "
Writer: Joel Patrick
Date: May 18 2013 11:37 AM
# 3247 Critique Analogy

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