public health
Chronic Inflammation
a: Chronic inflammation ~
b: those repeated unproductive meetings
What: "Have you ever been in a meeting that was intended to resolve a problem but did just the opposite? We have all experienced those unproductive, frustrating meetings that seem to do more harm than good. Imagine if you had meetings like that every day, or even every week! Chronic inflammation is like those repeated unproductive meetings. Eventually those "meetings" become chaotic as rogue inflammatory cytokines (messenger molecules secreted by immune cells) take over."
Writer: Karolyn Gazella
Date: Jun 28 2010 2:40 AM
# 496 Critique Analogy
Sexy Underwear + Menstruation
a: Sexy underwear and menstruation ~
b: mixing tequila and doing your taxes
What: "While we're on the subject of feminine products - who's the genius that invented pads for thongs? Who on earth combines either of these two ideas? Sexy underwear + menstruation is like mixing tequila and doing your taxes, not a good idea."
Writer: Michelle-?
Date: Oct 30 2010 3:10 AM
# 658 Critique Analogy
Unsafe Sex Is Like Bedding Hitler
a: Unsafe sex ~
b: Bedding Hitler
What: "Campaign Shows Unsafe Sex is Like Bedding Hitler, Stalin & Saddam". A freaky PR stunt comparing AIDS to mass murders. This is a shitty comparison. With a little knowledge, you can avoid AIDS. It was vary difficult to avoid the tyrants listed above if you lived in their neighborhoods.
Writer: duccnguyen
Date: Aug 17 2011 11:20 AM
# 1105 Critique Analogy
Unprotected Sex Is Like
a: Having unprotected sex ~
b: having arachnid perform cunnilingus on you
What: "According to this new French AIDS awareness campaign, having unprotected sex is like having a gigantic slavering arachnid perform cunnilingus on you, or mounting a spread-eagled scorpion in the missionary position, its poison-dripping tail wildly thrashing about in the throes of its ecstasy (she's probably faking it)."
Writer: John Brownlee
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 17 2011 11:56 AM
# 1113 Critique Analogy

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