drawing design
Modern Art
a: Modern art ~
b: Roy Lichtenstein's Bull Profile Series
What: Generally , Art over the last 100 years or so has been characterized by a transition from representational to NON-representational form. What does this mean? The series of prints from Roy Lichtenstein's "Bull Series" has 6 pieces. The first being a Bull and then the next prints showing the Bull being abstracted into basic geometric elements of line and circle and also basic color elements of yellow, blue and red. This series not only demonstrates how this artist can imagine, but encapsulates what many artists believe art is as such.
Writer: mattyflynn
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jan 9 2010 10:28 AM
# 263 Critique Analogy
Jackson Pollacks.... A Bed Of Roses
a: Looking at his paintings ~
b: Looking at a bed of roses
What: This is an approximation of a line from the movie "Pollack". It very a simple idea that says a lot about his work.
Writer: lucretiagermanica
Date: Jun 22 2011 6:16 AM
# 889 Critique Analogy
Painting Is Like Composing A Jazz Song
a: Painting for me ~
b: composing a jazz song
What: "My work is for the creative intellect. Chance, spontaneity, lyrical and rebellious are qualities in the work. Painting for me is like composing a jazz song... direct, romantic, unconventional and individualistic. Non-idiomatic improvisation and rhythmic motion of the unconscious are how I attack the canvas. The process of making art for me is emotionally charging and spiritual."
Date: Jul 18 2011 2:12 AM
# 906 Critique Analogy
Painting Is Like Boxing
a: Painting ~
b: Boxing
What: "Couldn't get the legs to behave, she was getting tired and her right knee started to droop. The sun came in lower and lower through the west-facing window changing all the colors every 20 minutes. I felt I had met my match.
Then time was up. I look at it now and maybe it wasn't such a smack down after all. Judges will decide."
Writer: Ross Skoggard
Date: Jul 18 2011 2:17 AM
# 907 Critique Analogy
Art And Money Go Hand In Hand......
a: Modern art ~
b: a stock market bubble
What: "When i was making serigraphs i got an uncanny feeling that i was printing money. And my show was an IPO (Initial print offering) There are huge parallels between art and money. Money is resource based or should be and art is a resource or may be. However contemporary hyped up modern art is like a stock market bubble...Prints are like small denomination notes...We have to survive while we train in the classical arts...:)"
Writer: arjuna
Date: Oct 20 2011 11:03 PM
# 1443 Critique Analogy
The Mona Lisa Is Like A Rockstar
a: The mona lisa ~
b: a rockstar
What: "Anyway, as my dad said, the Mona Lisa is like a rockstar: it is so famous and practically burnt into the back of every ones mind that it is somewhat anti-climactic." This is a travelogue about a trip to Louvre and an analysis of the trip to the museum and the walk to actually look at this painting.
Writer: Mayumia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 8 2011 7:00 PM
# 1558 Critique Analogy
Modern Art Museum As
a: A modern art museum ~
b: being on Chatroullete
What: "Walking through a modern art museum is like being on Chatroullete, you can pretty much go in expecting to see a penis."
Writer: corey
Date: Feb 7 2012 9:29 PM
# 1670 Critique Analogy
The Cover Knows
a: Web page design ~
b: book cover
What: "Web page design is like the front cover of a book, where by quality of web design layout and creative graphics can determine the sucess of failure of any e-business venture."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Feb 14 2013 11:11 AM
# 2624 Critique Analogy

METAMIA is a free database of analogy
and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search.
The subject matter can be anything.
Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged.
The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with
the stark literalism of a relational database.
Metamia is like a girdle for your muses,
a cognitive girdle.
Browse Analogies by Library of Congress Catagory: