christian denominations
The Mormon Church As The Ge Of Religion
a: The mormon church ~
b: the General Electric of American religion
What: "The result is an organization that resembles a sanctified multinational corporation-the General Electric of American religion, with global ambitions and an estimated net worth of $30 billion." A very nice comparison. The linked article seems sympathetic to the religion and its followers.
Writer: Walter Kirn
Date: Jun 7 2011 7:03 AM
# 886 Critique Analogy
Today's Catholicism
a: Catholicism today ~
b: a good meal being served on a dirty plate
What: "Today's Catholicism is like a good meal being served on a dirty plate. Your institutional church has been hijacked and you as a group have the ability to take it back and restore its wholeness and respect in the eyes of the world."
Writer: John Shuster
Date: Aug 19 2011 11:19 AM
# 1125 Critique Analogy
Chick Publications On The Church
a: Chick/catholics ~
b: kkk/blacks
What: "Relying on chick publications to inform you about Catholicism is like relying on the KKK to inform you on Black people. Stay away from those sources!" A comment to someone who wanted to know more about Catholicism." inactive link:
Writer: Antonio
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 20 2011 10:33 AM
# 1134 Critique Analogy
Protestantism Is Like A Body Care System
a: Protestantism ~
b: a body care system
What: "Protestantism is like a body care system that teaches that one must eat and exercise to live better. But they leave it up to the person to figure out the rest."
"Catholicism is like a body care system that tells you that you must eat good food, what foods to eat, and in what quantities, and what foods MUST NEVER be eaten. It says that you must exercise, how much to exercise, and exactly what exercises to do, and which you MUST never do. And if you don't follow the most important teachings which are vital to your survival, you are no longer a Catholic. "
Writer: MEGoody
Date: Aug 20 2011 10:43 AM
# 1137 Critique Analogy
Roman Catholicism Is Like A Bat
a: Roman catholicism ~
b: a bat
What: "Roman Catholicism will never gain a foothold with people who know the doctrines of the Word of God; Roman Catholicism is like a bat, and hates sunlight. Every one of us ought to be students and learners, trying to gain more ability for usefulness as well as being built up in our most holy faith. "
Writer: C. H. SPURGEON
Date: Aug 20 2011 10:47 AM
# 1139 Critique Analogy
Kennedy Catholicism Is Like
a: Kennedy catholicism ~
b: Adam Sandler Judaism
What: Ask yourself this question:
Suppose Edward Moore Kennedy had been born a Methodist and his wife had been, say, Presbyterian.
Can you imagine him converting to Catholicism the way, eg, Brownback, Bork and Beckwith have?
Bit of a stretch to imagine, isn't it? Kennedy Catholicism is like Adam Sandler Judaism - a rich tribal identity, not reflective of assent to a series of theological propositions.
Writer: TOM R ?
Date: Aug 20 2011 10:54 AM
# 1142 Critique Analogy
Tradition Of Catholicism Is Like The Breath
a: Tradition of catholicism ~
b: the breath of a physical body
What: "The Living tradition of Catholicism is like the breath of a physical body. It renews life by repelling stagnation."
Writer: Thomas Merton
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 20 2011 11:00 AM
# 1144 Critique Analogy
Roman Catholicism Is Like The Pharisees
a: Roman catholicism ~
b: the Pharisees
What: "The three main groups of false Christianity correspond to the three main groups of unbelieving Judaism at the time of Christ. Roman Catholicism is like the Pharisees - huge, works-salvation, tradition-bound, etc. Eastern Orthodoxy is the same. The second is Liberal Protestantism, similar to the Saducees in their rejection of revelation, weak ethics, etc. Then there are the many cults, like the Jewish cults of the Essenes, Herodians, Zealots, etc, exclusivist and esoteric. The earliest form of pseudo-Christianity was Gnosticism, opposed in Colossians, I John, and elsewhere. There are many pseudo-Christian cults around today."
Writer: Dr. Curt Daniel
Date: Aug 20 2011 11:17 AM
# 1147 Critique Analogy
Catholicism Is Like Solid Rock
a: Catholicism ~
b: solid rock
What: "My opinion to the current role of Christianity is joyful! Christianity is strong yet diverse! Catholicism is like solid rock and refuses to be pushed around. Filled with dogma and access, it swings bats with the big boys in the international world. Its education is superb and always on demand. Charismatic Christianity is more flexible and lay back. They take streets and try deeply to spread the good news. Greek Orthodoxy has held onto tradition and can give one an early Christian experience."
Writer: loveitself
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 20 2011 11:32 AM
# 1151 Critique Analogy
The Longevity Of Catholicism
a: The longevity of catholicism ~
b: the longevity of the British monarchy
What: "Greg, come on. The longevity of Catholicism is like the longevity of the British monarchy. The monarchy is long gone, it only has symbolic representation. That is where the Catholic Church has arrived, so yes - Catholcism is gone.
Writer: Brent the Plenapoten
Date: Aug 20 2011 11:33 AM
# 1152 Critique Analogy
John Kerry's Catholicism Is Like His Skiing
a: John kerry catholicism ~
b: his skiing
What: "The honest answer is, "No" - but the difference is that John Kerry does not self-identify as a Christian, thus John Kerry does not reflect on the Body of Christ. John Kerry's Catholicism is like his skiing - just something that he does. It is not who he is."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Aug 20 2011 11:35 AM
# 1153 Critique Analogy
Catholicism Is Like A Rose
a: Catholicism ~
b: a rose
What: "Catholicism is like a rose. Bright and gaudy on the surface but underneath, it's full of pricks." So are women for that matter. But women should be described as "prickly" and not pricks, for obvious reasons.
Writer: Woody B
Date: Aug 20 2011 11:38 AM
# 1154 Critique Analogy
Catholicism In Mexico
a: Catholicism in mexico ~
b: the description below
What: "One reason I cannot stand the conservative Catholic Internet, for example, is because of their worship of the Pope and bishops. As a Latin male, I cannot help but think that such sycophancy is a bit effeminate: "ellos quieren que yo sea el monaguillo del cura" (they want me to be that stupid priest's altar boy). (I don't mean this at all in any homophobic sense.) While I do go to Mass every Sunday and sometimes am edyfied by it, another part of me is spiritually sitting in the town plaza smoking a cigarette, telling dirty jokes to my buddies while I wait for my wife to get out of Mass. You know, how Catholicism is like in Mexico for my compadres."
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 20 2011 11:48 AM
# 1156 Critique Analogy
The Face Of Modern Catholicism
a: The face of modern catholicism ~
b: those pagan statues of Janus
What: "The face of modern Catholicism is like those pagan statues of Janus, Bill Donohue on one side and George Weigel on the other. Or Goofus and Gallant, if you are old enough to remember them."
Writer: Jean Raber
Date: Aug 20 2011 11:51 AM
# 1157 Critique Analogy
Catholicism, The Technicolor Christians
a: Catholicism ~
b: being Christian in Technicolor
What: "From a Catholic in the American South, where the dominant traditions are life-loving Anglican cavalier vs dour Presbyterian (and variants) frontiersman, a warm welcome. A Virginia lady from the former tradition converted to Catholicism and told her family (cf your own analogy): "Catholicism is like being Christian in Technicolor." Amen."
Writer: Americanus
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 20 2011 11:56 AM
# 1158 Critique Analogy
Catholicsim As Dirty Covered Sistine Chapel
a: Catholicism ~
b: Dirty Covered Sistine Chapel
What: One of the best takes on the contemporary Catholic Church. See the link for Andrew's monologue about Catholicism. He compares the Church as something beautiful covered with dirt, referring to the rigid Orthodoxies of the priest hierarchy. The idea need a little work, but is worth expanding upon.
Writer: Andrew Sullivan
Date: Dec 20 2011 9:13 PM
# 1581 Critique Analogy
Pass The Dressing
a: Catholicism ~
b: an over bearing Italian Mother
What: What more needs to be said? If you look at this institution, which is before anything else, an Italian form of christianity, it has a longevity that is rare for such things. My feeling is that there is a deeper driving force for this institution. It's a Mediterranean cult religion that will never let go of the power it once had. And if the prayers of the ruling clique come true, they may return to their glory days. But, in the end, the driving force is a mediterranean sense of the feminine that is unique and distinct from other places.
Writer: LucretiaMia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 13 2012 1:10 PM
# 2119 Critique Analogy

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