

Western Buddhism Is Like A Ven Diagram

a: Western buddhism ~
b: a Ven diagram

What: "Western Buddhism is like a Ven diagram - the intersection of a culture with a non-native religion. The diagram's intersection does not negate either circle, it only highlights the new area found in both."

Writer: Todd A.
Date: Aug 28 2011 6:30 PM

Sri Chakra Is Like A Vast Building

a: Sri chakra ~
b: a vast building

What: "The S'ri Chakra is like a vast building with 432,000 offices or apartments. When there is an employee in each office, the business can function at 100% capacity. If there are missing employees the ability of the business to function is impaired."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Sep 4 2011 11:49 AM

The Buddha Is Like Hume

a: The buddha ~
b: Hume

What: "The Buddha is like Hume in wanting to set man free from his own irrational attempts to build metaphysical scaffolding as a vantage point for perceiving the nature and destiny of almost everything about which man has ever had a persisting question" The rest is a comparison of the Buddha with a list of well known Western philosophers.

Writer: N.P. Jacobson
Date: Sep 7 2011 8:12 PM

The First Chakra, Is Like A Geyser

a: The first chakra ~
b: a geyser

What: "The energy of Shasta, as the first chakra, is like a geyser - a great uprush of life energy, or prana, without shape or structure." There is a table a the bottom of the page that associates each chakra with a tangible place. A very nice list it is.

Writer: Robert Coon
Date: Sep 4 2011 11:09 AM

Mahayana Buddhism Is Like Catholicism

a: Mahayana buddhism ~
b: Catholicism

What: "Mahayana Buddhism is like Catholicism in that both religions deify their prophet and worship him with the understanding of him as being beyond mortal. Theravada Buddhism, on the other hand, is more like Oriental Orthodox Christianity in that both follow the teachings of their prophet without attributing to him any form of divinity or supernatural aspects. "

Writer: Dr. Bhikkhu Bodhipal
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 30 2011 1:41 PM

The Buddha Is Like A Drink

a: The buddha ~
b: a drink

What: "The message and example of the Buddha is like a drink from the cleanest, clearest and coldest mountain stream - refreshing, invigorating and liberating ". See the rest in the link.

Writer: hifiguy
Date: Sep 7 2011 8:18 PM

Praying To Buddha

a: Praying to buddha ~
b: trying to make a phonecall

What: "I was able to explain to them that praying to Buddha is like trying to make a phonecall to a number that does not exist. Buddha was nothing more than a man with no authority or power over any aspect of life."

Writer: mckrbc
Date: Sep 7 2011 8:37 PM

The Peeled Onion

a: Peeling the onion ~
b: digging into your heart/psyche

What: The phrase is a buddhist notion. As a person digs into themselves, it is not a single event or enlightenment or emotion relief. It is an organic process of revealing and removing a multitude of layers. This process has many layers, like the layers in an onion. If you can't understand this, go buy an onion and peel it. Layers of what? There are layers of memory, emotion, concepts and life as it really is.

Writer: LucretiaMia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 22 2012 10:52 AM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.

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