Cancer Drugs
a: Cancer ~
b: Manhattan traffic
What: "In an attempt to illustrate just how hard it is to treat cancer, New York Times biotech scribe Andrew Pollack turns to an analogy that most of his hometown readers can relate to instantly. There are so many aberrant molecules in a tumor, he writes, that blocking just one or two is like trying to stop all traffic in Manhattan with a roadblock at a single intersection."
Writer: John Carroll
Date: Sep 3 2009 7:17 AM
# 49 Critique Analogy
Cancer Cells As Broken
a: Cancer cell ~
b: computer with broken keyboard
What: "Cancer cells are like a crashed computer with a partially or totally dead keyboard. They don't respond properly to external command signals. They execute an infinite loop set of instructions that drive the cell to permanent division." This is a really good comparison. I wonder who made this up?
Date: May 14 2011 6:26 AM
# 866 Critique Analogy
Viral Mutation Is Like A Murdered Changing....
a: Sars viral mutation ~
b: a murderer who is trying to change his fingerprints
What: "This rapid evolution is like that of a murderer who is trying to change his fingerprints or even his appearance to try to escape detection," said Dr. Dennis Lo, a chemical pathologist at the university.
Writer: Dennis Lo
Date: Aug 7 2011 10:56 AM
# 981 Critique Analogy
Cancer Cell Is Shedding Snake Skin
a: Cancer cell ~
b: Shedding snake
What: "Like snakes, tumour cells shed their skin. Cancer is not a static disease but during its development the disease accumulates changes to evade natural defences adapting to new environmental circumstances, protecting against chemotherapy and radiotherapy and invading neighbouring organs, eventually causing metastasis."
Writer: Not stated
Date: Oct 11 2011 8:13 PM
# 1381 Critique Analogy
Cancer Cable?
a: Cancer ~
b: cable television
What: "Incoming American Society of Oncology (ASCO) President George Sledge, MD was quoted at the 2010 annual ASCO meeting saying that "cancer is like cable television. Thirty years ago you had three channels. Now you have 500." It's an interesting--and accurate--analogy. We now know that cancer is not a single disease but rather a collection of many types of the disease."
Writer: George Sledge
Date: Oct 11 2011 8:17 PM
# 1385 Critique Analogy
Cancer Is Like A Weed In The Body
a: Cancer ~
b: a weed in the body
What: "Cancer is like a weed in the body. It flourishes when its environment is right for it. Doctors have tools such as chemotherapy for killing the weed. The real trick to beating cancer and staying cancer free is to create a healthy body environment."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Oct 11 2011 8:19 PM
# 1386 Critique Analogy
Cancer Is Like A Fungus
a: Cancer ~
b: a fungus
What: "The healing capacity of your body and your mind set is the star of this show, and the stage is the gut area, liver, intestines and stomach, no matter were a cancer exist in the body.Cancer is like a fungus, and hides in "dark" places ... your body will know were it lurks but is doing an all inclusive "clean up disc" maneuver"
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 11 2011 8:29 PM
# 1388 Critique Analogy
Cancer Is Like A Battle With Self
a: Cancer ~
b: a battle with self
What: "Cancer is like a battle with self. Cells, which are the building blocks of the body are of different types and are capable of regeneration to replace the worn out ones. But at times because of varied reasons, cells start growing continuously without any halt even when there is no such need."
Writer: Not stated
Date: Oct 11 2011 8:42 PM
# 1391 Critique Analogy
Cancer Is Like War?
a: Cancer ~
b: war
What: "Perhaps fighting cancer is like the Vietnamese war? I have maintained that treating cancer based on the concept of war would never succeed! If doctors wage an unending war within the body - what do you think happens to the battleground (your body!)? Surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy etc. are advanced, mighty "fire power." Cancer cells are just tiny enemies floating and circulating around in the blood stream that later attach themselves to certain tissues of the body. Can these awesome treatments destroy all cancerous cells yet at the same time not destroy the host i.e., you and your living systems? Are we healing the sick body or are we creating more Vietnam, Hiroshima and Iraq?"
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 11 2011 8:47 PM
# 1392 Critique Analogy

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