physiology biochemistry
a: A telomere ~
b: An Aglet
What: "The trio found that chromosome-capping telomeres -which Blackburn has compared to the plastic ends of shoe laces - and the enzyme telomerase protect chromosomes as cells divide."
Writer: Ron Leuty
Date: Oct 6 2009 12:37 AM
# 105 Critique Analogy
Drug Formulations
a: Stabilizing biotech drugs ~
b: Making Beef jerky
What: The active entities in many biotech drugs are antibodies, enzymes or peptides. These are molecules that are made by living organisms; most of the time it's either a mammalian cell or bacteria. These drugs are made of the same molecules that make up beef; that is proteins which are polymers made up of amino acids. As such raw beef and unformulated drugs can behave in a similar way. That is, if you leave a fresh piece of beef on a warm counter for an extended period of time it will rot. If you dry it out, the shelf life is expanded by many months. Likewise with biotech drugs. One means of stabilizing these products is lyophilization or better know as freeze drying. This removes the water which inhibits oxidation as well as bacterial contamination. There is much more to this process, but drying can stabilize beef as well as drugs.
Writer: mattyflynn
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 24 2009 11:19 AM
# 201 Critique Analogy
Vaccine Adjuvant Regulation
a: Trif ~
b: Waiter
What: "Trif is a signal transducer-an adaptor molecule that helps turn these positive detections into immune reactions. Significantly, Trif is the topmost protein shared by the pathway that detects gram-negative bacteria and the pathway that detects most viruses. It is like a waiter who brings orders from two different customers into the same kitchen."
Writer: Jason Socrates Bardi
Date: Jun 19 2010 12:35 AM
# 494 Critique Analogy
Mammalian Cell
a: A mammalian cell ~
b: factory
What: "A cell (in a multicellular organism) is an identifiable unit that is part of a larger organism just as a factory is an identifiable unit that is part of society. A cell uses material and energy resources and produces products just as a factory does." The link expands this discussion.
Writer: Norm Herr CSUN
Date: Jul 14 2010 12:15 AM
# 515 Critique Analogy
Glucose Metabolisim
a: Trying to burn glucose without insulin ~
b: trying to set fire to a pile of logs without a match
What: "Insulin is essential to the metabolic process. Trying to burn glucose without insulin is like trying to set fire to a pile of logs without a match. It can't be done."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 26 2010 8:14 AM
# 534 Critique Analogy
a: Insulin ~
b: a doorman at the fat cell nightclub
What: "Insulin is like a bouncer at the door - maybe he lets the prettier young women in, and maybe he tosses some obnoxious drunks. Maybe he is neutral when not many patrons are in the bar, maybe he turns you away if the joint is at capacity. But the door is not ever locked, and people come and go even as the number of drinkers grows and shrinks throughout the evening."
Writer: Kurt G. Harris MD
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jul 26 2010 8:09 AM
# 533 Critique Analogy
a: A ribosome ~
b: A vice combined with a welding torch
What: A ribosome provides a location within a cell with the spacial orientation to facilitate the conversion of individual amino acids into peptides. The correct peptide sequence is derived from mRNA. The energy for the addition of each amino acid is contained in an activated peptide attached to a tRNA molecule. The large scale mechanical analogy of this would be a vice holding pieces of pipe together so that they can be fused together with a welding torch.
Writer: mattyflynn
Date: Jul 20 2010 6:28 AM
# 520 Critique Analogy
Leukotriene Inflammation
a: Leukotriene inflammatory cascade ~
b: a nuclear strike
What: "The leukotriene inflammatory cascade is like a nuclear strike to both the cardiovascular and central nervous system"
Writer: Kerry Friesen, M.D.
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 13 2010 2:23 AM
# 569 Critique Analogy
Essential Fatty Acids
a: An essential fatty acid ~
b: antifreeze
What: This is a very good discussion of diet and the characteristics of different types of food. The key point about fats: "Essential fatty acids can act like antifreeze, they are liquid at very low temperatures. For example, flax is a cold weather grain, so it has a lot of healthy fats". This is a good comparison. Another stark comparison is the physical state of butter and any poly unsaturated fat at room temperature. Butter is solid and most if not all unsaturated oils are liquid. The general assumption is that eating unsaturated fatty acids increases the fluidity of membranes in the body
Writer: James Biddle MD
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Sep 22 2010 10:57 AM
# 588 Critique Analogy
Food With A Low Glycemic Index
a: Food with a low glycemic index ~
b: putting a log of hard wood in the fire
What: "Eating food with a low glycemic index is like putting a log of hard wood in the fire, it burns for hours, instead of paper and cardboard (refined sugar) where you have to keep on feeding and feeding the fire to keep warm unless it dies." >-------->> This is a great analogy for those who don't have any background in chemistry.
Date: Nov 27 2010 5:32 AM
# 698 Critique Analogy
Food With A High Glycemic Index
a: High glycemic index ~
b: burning(tissue) paper in a furnace
What: "Look up glycemic index and understand high glycemic index is like burning paper in a furnace with a high peak and a low crash, while low glycemic index is like burning firewood which will keep you body going for the long haul."
Writer: Akshun
Date: Nov 27 2010 5:35 AM
# 699 Critique Analogy
a: Antibody ~
b: the search dog of a cop
What: "How phage and antibody works is that the antibody is like the search dog of a cop, it binds itself to infectious particles.".....This is a novel analogy and appropriate. The specificity of a dog's nose is analogous to the specificity of an antibody.
Writer: evanthebouncy!
Date: Dec 2 2010 1:49 AM
# 701 Critique Analogy
Using Insulin
a: Using insulin ~
b: ploughing the land before planting seeds
What: " Using insulin is like ploughing the land before planting seeds. Insulin helps achieve good glycemic control, and helps the antibiotics, antitubercular drugs and pain suppressants produce their effect in an efficient and time saving manner."----The linked article describes using analogies to explain how insulin works.......
Writer: Sanjay Kalra DM
Date: Jan 11 2011 2:32 AM
# 760 Critique Analogy
The Cell Membrane As An Oreo Cookie
a: A cell membrane ~
b: an Oreo cookie
What: "A cell membrane is like a cookie, an Oreo. It has two layers of lipids (the cookie wafers) separated by a center (the white cream). Antioxidants reside either outside the first cookie layer or inside the fatty cream layer." A discussion of skin products and how antioxidant molecules are positioned within the cells that make up skin.
Writer: Not Known
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Mar 20 2011 3:08 AM
# 832 Critique Analogy
Deep-brain Stimulation
a: The deep-brain stimulation device ~
b: a cardiac pacemaker
What: The device "is like a cardiac pacemaker," said Mahlon R. DeLong, a professor of neurology at Emory who first identified the problem regions. A thin wire (the electrode) is inserted through the skull and into that region, then connected to a controller and battery implanted under a patient's skin. The results can be "dramatic and transformative,"
Writer: Josh Fischman
Date: Jul 31 2011 1:09 PM
# 934 Critique Analogy
Collagen Is Like The Frame Of A House
a: The frame of a house ~
b: collagen
What: "Think of cartilage as a house - collagen is like the frame of a house, glucosamine/chondroitin are like the sheetrock. In cartilage, collagen is the framework that holds everything in place, including chondroitin and glucosamine. If collagen is degraded, there is no framework to hold chondroitin and glucosamine."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Aug 12 2011 10:09 AM
# 1087 Critique Analogy
The Ribsome Construction Site
a: The ribosome ~
b: construction site
What: "I usually compare protein biosynthesis to the construction of a
building. The mRNA contains information comparable to the
plan of a building while the ribosome is like the construction site.
The amino acids are the equivalents of blocks used for the
building while the tRNAs are like the workmen bringing up
these amino acids for the construction"
Writer: Godwin I Adoga
Date: Oct 18 2011 10:52 AM
# 1427 Critique Analogy
A Eukariotic Cell Is Like A Prison
a: A cell ~
b: a prison
What: "The Cell wall is similar to the bricks that make up the outside of a prison. It protects and supports the inside of the building, just like a cell wall does for the inside of a cell." The link is to a whole discussion of how a cell is like a prison. I'm not too sure, which student population this will resonate with. Definitely not ones from good neighborhoods.
Writer: Mr. Overlin
Date: Nov 27 2011 4:34 PM
# 1527 Critique Analogy
Cell As Water Balloon
a: Mammalian cell ~
b: Water Balloon
What: A mammalian cell is somewhat similar to a water balloon, in that, by weight it's mostly water and it's fluid and malleable. The outer rubber portion of the balloon is like the thin outer membrane found in a mammalian cell. And like a water balloon, mammalian cells are sensitive to mechanical shock. They will fall apart very easily if not handled gently.
Writer: LucretiaGermanica
Date: Mar 27 2012 5:17 PM
# 1771 Critique Analogy
Round And Round It Goes
a: Atp ~
b: a turnstile
What: ATP Cycle is Like a Turnstile Through which Energy Passes During Transfers from high energy pathways to lower energy pathways.
Writer: Not stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 23 2012 3:46 PM
# 1915 Critique Analogy
Ignite The Atp?
a: Thyroid hormone ~
b: the spark plugs of the body
What: "Functions of the thyroid hormones. My mentor, Dr. Paul Eck, used to say that the thyroid hormone is like the spark plugs of the body. They ignite the fuel in the mitochondria of the cell to produce energy with which the body performs all of its functions. For this reason, any problem with the thyroid gland causes energy problems and usually fatigue."
Writer: Dr. Paul Eck
Date: May 9 2013 5:47 PM
# 3029 Critique Analogy
Balls Dropping Down
a: Your metabolism ~
b: Pachinko pinball machine
What: "The researchers used the way Japanese Pachinko machines operate as a model to explain the interactions of our genes with drugs, the environment and microbial metabolism. Their theory states that metabolic interactions are often highly probabilistic and the flows of molecules through the machine are dependent on combinations of genetic variations with factors such as diet and the composition of the gut microflora."
Writer: Professor Jeremy Nic
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 10 2013 4:40 PM
# 3071 Critique Analogy
The Black Sheep, Pearl....
a: Mutation ~
b: black pearl in a necklace of white pearls
What: Or something. This analogy refers to a single point mutation, that is a single change in a DNA base that gives rise to a single amino acid change in a protein. The classic example is that taught in basic biochemistry, Sickle Cell Anemia. A single mutation in a gene leads to a change in an amino acid in Hemoglobin, which deforms the shape of these cells within human blood. Think of that change, that mutation , as a black pearl in a string of white pearls. That ones change can cause many physiological problems. This of course is the text book case. Many diseases are MUCH more complicated than this, but this example helps to realistically prime the mind.
Writer: Lucretia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 13 2013 11:41 AM
# 3128 Critique Analogy
It Party Time
a: The pheromone ~
b: a chemical text message
What: An aggregation pheromone signals
both male and female weevils to congregate in the same area with good feeding conditions. The pheromone is like a chemical text message that tells the nearby weevils that "The party is here, come on over."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: May 13 2013 5:08 PM
# 3143 Critique Analogy
Tick Tel Tick Tel.......
a: The telomere ~
b: a cellular clock
What: "The telomere is like a cellular clock, because every time a cell divides, the telomere shortens. After a cell has grown and divided a few dozen times, the telomeres turn on an alarm system that prevents further division. If this clock doesn't function right, cells either end up with damaged chromosomes or they become "immortal" and continue dividing endlessly -- either way it's bad news and leads to cancer or disease."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: May 14 2013 6:22 PM
# 3232 Critique Analogy
Off And On By Touch.....
a: Transcription factor ~
b: light switch
What: "Transcription factors are like a light switch. They turn genes on and off. ELF5 makes breast cancer cells ignore estrogen. That means estrogen-blocking drugs don't work anymore."
Writer: Joseph V. Madia, MD
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 15 2013 2:29 PM
# 3242 Critique Analogy
Not Ready To Function?
a: Zygote ~
b: a swiss army knife
What: "In any case, I have an argument for why the zygote would possess a functional equivalent. To use an analogy, the equivalent in a zygote is like a swiss army knife. It has to be unfolded first before use, but contains the same functionality. It is like a zipped file. It doesn't matter whether you send a file zipped or not, if I only care about what the unzipped file does, especially if it's self extracting. "
Writer: keda
Date: May 15 2013 10:47 PM
# 3256 Critique Analogy
King Of The Hill.....
a: Pituitary gland ~
b: the CPU of a computer
What: "From a technological view, the pituitary gland is like the CPU of a computer; it directs the various processes required during a response from the environment. It produces the largest number of different hormones and therefore has the most effects on the body's functions, such as blood pressure, thirst, contractions during childbirth, milk production, sexual behavior and interest, body growth, the amount of water retained by cells, and other functions as well"
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jun 10 2013 1:27 PM
# 3312 Critique Analogy
Burning This And That, But Not Too Much
a: An antioxidant ~
b: the screen in front of your fireplace
What: "An antioxidant is like the screen in front of your fireplace. It quenches the sparks as they form. If the fire in the fireplace is out of control, the screen is useless.
Another analogy: antioxidant/free radical metabolism is that of the automobile engine and its cooling system. The engine runs on the burning (or oxidation) of fuel, creating energy and heat, giving your car power to move. If the process is uncontrolled the engine destroys itself because of the heat it has generated. The cooling system keeps the temperature within a normal operating range. The oxidative reaction is the burning of the fuel; the antioxidant is the cooling system. Balance between these two functions is the critical factor, both for your car and for you."
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jul 15 2013 7:05 PM
# 3353 Critique Analogy

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