The French Soul
a: French soul ~
b: A mental Fourier transform
What: A Fourier transforms are math functions that covert continuous waves into digital step functions. With the French, wavy continuous emotions become discrete
bit of crystal clear reason and chunks of words. This is why the French are the way they are. Bitchy and rational all in the same package. This describes what they are like, but not the origin of the mindset.
Writer: mattyflynn
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jul 20 2010 9:02 AM
# 524 Critique Analogy
The American Dream
a: The american dream ~
b: a belief in Santa Claus
What: "When I see those who contribute nothing to society getting further and further ahead while my parents, whom I have seen work their asses off my whole life, drift further and further behind, I find that belief in the American Dream is like a belief in Santa Claus - a story told to kids to keep them in line". This was a reader letter on Andrew Sullivan's blog. I really hate to agree with this guy, but at this point he's closer to the truth than a lot of people want to admit.
Writer: LucretiaGermanica
Date: Oct 15 2010 6:42 AM
# 636 Critique Analogy
Cell Phone Synchronized Metaphorical Collective En
a: San francisco sewer system ~
b: a Clogged Colon
What: "Skimping on toilet water has resulted in more sludge backing up inside the sewer pipes, said Tyrone Jue, spokesman for the city Public Utilities Commission" .....Yes indeed. You'd think with all the Astroglide going down the drain in that city that this problem would not occur. The sewers in San Francisco are not working correctly 'cause there is not enough water to push all the 'solids' through.
So on Sunday morning at 8:30 am everyone in the city who has a toilet should flush an empty toilet once. No solids please. This will push a lot of water through the system in a very short period of time and possibly clean up the system. The best way to synchronize the flush would be through cellphone-clocks, which, no matter what the service provider, are probably within a few seconds of each other.
Writer: LucretiaGermanica
Date: Mar 4 2011 2:15 AM
# 816 Critique Analogy
Modern Life Is Like Horrific Automobile Accident
a: Modern life ~
b: horrific automobile accident
What: " The walls and windows in each piece represent that separation from others. It is like driving slowly by a horrific automobile accident and viewing the scene. It's not anyone you know or love, so there is a separation there from the reality of the accident. The carnage both fascinates us and repels us at the same time. While it may disturb you for a period of time, it's not like losing one of your own. Yet to the families involved, it will have an impact on them the rest of their lives."
Writer: William W. Hoyt
Date: Jul 18 2011 2:30 AM
# 909 Critique Analogy
The Superorganism Account Of Human Sociality
a: Human group ~
b: Beehive
What: "Biologists call highly cooperative and socially integrated animal groups like beehives and ant colonies "superorganisms." In such species, the colony acts like an organism despite each animal's physical individuality. This article frames human sociality through the superorganisms metaphor by systematically reviewing the superorganismic features of human psychology"
Writer: Kesebir S.
Date: Apr 9 2012 9:10 PM
# 1822 Critique Analogy
San Jose As Orange County North?
a: San jose-ca ~
b: the Orange Country of San Francisco
What: "San Jose is like the Orange Country of San Francisco." It's like a liberal version of Orange county, as far as I can see.
Writer: The Sign Guy
Date: May 15 2012 4:35 PM
# 2197 Critique Analogy
a: Miscegenation ~
b: mixing horse manure and ice cream
What: "To paraphrase another writer, miscegenation is like mixing horse manure and ice cream; it may do wonders for the manure, but nothing good for the ice cream."
Writer: Svigor
Date: May 2 2013 8:03 PM
# 2889 Critique Analogy
American Stew; A Recipie That May Work
a: Miscegenation ~
b: cooking
What: "miscegenation is like cooking. random mixing will almost surely give bad results and some ingredients are so strong in their effects that they should be added only with the utmost caution"....
"blacks are like pepper. in very small doses they benefit the mixing due to their lack of body hair, curvaceous body, lack of fat and greater musical. yet try adding to much pepper to anything and you will see why people should be extra cautious with blacks"...
..."the mixing of whites and east-asians resembles the cooking of ribs. due to the completely different impact of it on the offspring depending if it is boy or girl, there should be a permanent monitoring specialy of boys. whoever has monitored a "ribs on the abrbie" which needs 24 hour attention in order to get good results will have a sense of what I mean"...
..."whites in general are like salt or garlic. they should be present in every mixing. There are no dishes worth proving without the presence of whites. Sorry guys, truth hurts, and they shouldb be calibrated to always remain as the dominant ingredient"...
Writer: gig
Date: May 2 2013 8:16 PM
# 2890 Critique Analogy

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