english literature
Romance Novel
a: A romance novel ~
b: comfort food
What: "For me, romance novels are like comfort food. Great comfort food can be every bit as sublime as a great dish by a five-star chef." See the rest at the link.
Writer: Laurie Likes Books
Date: Aug 13 2010 1:43 AM
# 564 Critique Analogy
Some Romance Novels
a: A romance novel ~
b: Melrose Place
What: "Some romance novels are like Melrose Place (an old guilty pleasure of mine). The characters are over the top and the plot twists are almost too extreme to fathom. If done wrong they can be obnoxious and tacky. But, if they are done well, those novels are devilishly entertaining." While some others .......see the link.
Writer: brooklynann
Date: Aug 13 2010 1:51 AM
# 565 Critique Analogy
The Shipping News Knots
a: A knot in the shipping news ~
b: The Way people relate to each other
What: "The Shipping News's" knots are like the way people related to each other. As mentioned in the Wiki article , Quoyle is a knot that lies on a ship's deck so that it can be walked on. But the book also presents a variety of other knots, that are symbolic of the way people can relate to each other. Maybe that's a theme of the book. You may be a Quolyle, but there are other knots available.
Writer: LucretaiGermanica
Date: Nov 13 2011 1:37 PM
# 1466 Critique Analogy
Love Like A July
a: My love ~
b: a summer with a thousand Julys
What: This was a line from a song that I heard on the radio while drinking vodka and lemon drink. Which, by the way, is really good. This line was and is and will be great. I opens the mind or least my mind and maybe yours. My love is like some many things, but literalism don't work too well in matters of the heart. My love for you is like a thousand Julys. Yes, Yes, Yes indeed. Thank you Shirley Horn. For the song and if your wrote the song, the lyric.
Writer: Shirley Horn
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Mar 25 2013 9:13 PM
# 2676 Critique Analogy

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