tv communications
Howard Stern Show
a: The howard stern show ~
b: A Warholesqe Factory
What: Howard's show has many similarities to Warhol's factory. Both featured a cast of regulars as well as many people who appeared at sporadic intervals.
Both have a central strong ring master type,Howard vs Andy, who relate to a variety of characters who are generally social outcasts and or freaks. The overall tone is one of acceptance and encouragement.
Writer: mattyflynn
Date: Apr 2 2010 4:19 AM
# 364 Critique Analogy
Prophetic Star Trek Technology- All Our Yesterdays
a: A historical data disk ~
b: compact disks; cds
What: From the linked article....... "Mister Atoz explains that the library contains an archive of historical data disks. Kirk warns Atoz of the planet's imminent destruction and that they must leave immediately. Atoz however, says he is aware of the destruction of his world, and is already prepared. He informs that he will be joining his wife and family soon. He then activates a machine called the "atavachron". By viewing the historic disks, the time portal can send any who enter back in time to the point recorded in the data."
Writer: Not Known
Date: Mar 5 2010 2:29 AM
# 290 Critique Analogy
Blackberry Iphone
a: A smartphone ~
b: Ktarians Mind Game in "The Game"
What: The game portrayed in this episode has an addictive quality, much like todays smart phone. I've noticed many people are transfixed by their smart phones; At school, at work and most disturbing while driving. Does the actual game portrayed in Star Trek have a real life counterpart?
Writer: mattyflynn
Date: Mar 27 2010 9:22 AM
# 354 Critique Analogy
Star Trek
a: Star trek ~
b: Pizza
What: "It all blends together for me but Star Trek is like pizza; when pizza gets cold people still eat it; when Star trek gets old and stale and corny, people still watch Star Trek."
Writer: Ken Williams
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 2 2010 9:37 AM
# 390 Critique Analogy
Eric Cartman
a: Cartman ~
b: a character out of a Voltaire play
What: "It's too bad that, unlike other cartoon protagonists, Homer has always bored me silly. South Park's voracious Cartman is like a character out of a Voltaire play - outsized, with sleazeball stature. Hank Hill of King of the Hill is a befuddled Everyman who is somehow both smaller and larger than life. SpongeBob SquarePants is an eternal optimist of transcendent obliviousness."
Date: Jul 10 2010 4:14 AM
# 514 Critique Analogy
The Gorn
a: The gorn ~
b: Godzilla on vallium
What: "I know the Gorn is like Godzilla on vallium, but you can't beat "Arena" for pure entertainment value. "
Writer: Miko Iko
Date: Aug 10 2010 2:36 AM
# 555 Critique Analogy
South Park
a: South park ~
b: A scatalgogical version of Peanuts
What: Yes indeed. The animation styles are similar: simple, flat and colorful. Both cartoons have 4 major characters. Peanuts has Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus and Snoopy. South Park has Eric,Lyle, Kenny and Stan. Both use an entity with a muffled voice that only the characters can understand. The parents voices are muffled in Peanuts and Kenny's voice is muffled in South Park. The big difference is meanness of Eric Cartman and the frequent poo-poo references.
Writer: mattyflynn
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 10 2010 7:20 AM
# 559 Critique Analogy
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
a: Buffy the vampire slayer ~
b: Scooby Doo
What: I've been watching this show on DVD for the past couple weeks. The first season was pretty good. In the middle of one of the Vampire murders, it struck me. This show has the same theme as Scooby Doo. That is, goofiness in the face of fear. The show is 1 part morality tale and 1 part slasher/horror movie. A more powerful message has never come from a cartoon or a TV show. There is a even a Wikipage about the thematic continuity between the 2 shows. It's nice to learn that many viewers have had the same insight.
Writer: mattyflynn
Date: Sep 26 2010 5:22 AM
# 601 Critique Analogy
Leave It To Beaver
a: Leave it to beaver ~
b: Berenstain Bears
What: "Leave it to Beaver is like Berenstain Bears. A cartoon about bear family. Both shows dads are Understanding.Jerry dad is understanding and Brother Bear is understanding. Both are boy. But Jerry deal with English test. Brother Bear deal with math test. And deal with a test problem .Only difference is leave it to beaver got a good score on test". Written by shazia4.
Writer: shazia4
Date: Oct 18 2010 2:48 AM
# 615 Critique Analogy
Benjamin Linus
a: Benjamin linus ~
b: a dickish friend
What: "Benjamin Linus is like one of those friends that everyone has who can be cool sometimes, but most of the time is a real d*ck."
Date: Dec 23 2010 1:25 PM
# 726 Critique Analogy
John Locke (the Lost Character)
a: John locke ~
b: the philosopher analyzing the island and its experiences
What: "John Locke is like the philosopher analyzing the island and its experiences (The philosopher John Locke was known for his proposition that we experience the world "tabla rasa" - like a blank slate and we are molded solely by our experiences.)"
Writer: Jason ...?
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 23 2010 1:34 PM
# 727 Critique Analogy
Tony Soprano's Panic Attack
a: Tony soprano panic attack ~
b: Ginger ale on the skull
What: This analogy is given while Tony is in a therapy session. It occurs in season 1, episode 1 at about 19:20.
Writer: Michael Chase
Date: Jan 2 2011 10:16 AM
# 750 Critique Analogy
The Sopranos Vs Lost
a: The sopranos ~
b: The TV show Lost
What: There is a common theme in these TV shows; the commonality is parental issues. I've recently seen interviews and commentaries by the creators of each show. The Sopranos creator, David Chase, is refreshing open about it. He states in the commentaries in the Season 1 DVDs that Livia Soprano is based on his mother and that his relationship with his mother is poor. In contrast, the Lost creators seem to have Father issues manifested in the show. One key example is John Locke's Father. This is a man who swindled John's kidney from him and later tries to throw him out of a 9th story window. This is only 1 example of MANY from LOST. I listened to the commentaries on the DVDs by the creators and they denied any such issues. I wish they could have been as open about this as David Chase, 'cause is obvious, to even a casual viewer that, someone with Father issues was writing or approving scripts for the show.
Writer: LucretiaGermanica
Date: Jan 3 2011 2:45 PM
# 754 Critique Analogy
a: Snoopy ~
b: Winnie The Pooh
What: "Snoopy is like Winnie The Pooh is described The Tao Of Pooh. He's always level-headed and in the moment. I think Shultz wanted to be more like Snoopy and less like Charlie Browne, Lucy, Sally, and Linus. I don't know if the gradual focus on Snoopy meant he was achieving his goal of being more like Snoopy, or if it was a manifestation of that wish, or if it was simply a matter of running out of great ideas."
Writer: Chief
Date: Apr 11 2013 8:12 PM
# 2683 Critique Analogy
The Moving Mining Town
a: Working los angeles ~
b: working in a salt-mining town
What: "I spend a large part of my life in the entertainment world, mostly watching television. All kidding aside, working in Los Angeles is like working in a salt-mining town; eventually, you're going to end up working in the salt mines"
Writer: Sean Adams
Date: May 7 2012 6:29 PM
# 2035 Critique Analogy
Snoopy As South Park Character
a: Snoopy ~
b: kenny
What: "Peppermint Patty is like Shelly
Snoopy is like Kenny
Woodstock is like Ike" A whole discussion about comparing South Park and Peanuts.
Writer: flcl_Wizard
Date: Apr 11 2013 8:14 PM
# 2699 Critique Analogy

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