The Old Testament Tiger
a: Tiger woods ~
b: modern day Jacob
What: "Tiger Woods is like a modern day Jacob. He has supermodel as a wife, money and great honors in the athletic world. He is set for life with all his endorsements. Recently, he has tarnished his reputation and broke his family's heart due to his unfaithfulness. Tiger Woods is experiencing as C.S. Lewis describes "blessing that never arrive."'
Writer: Rhoel Lomahan
Date: Feb 4 2011 1:26 AM
# 796 Critique Analogy
The Iphone Is Like The Bible
a: The iphone ~
b: the Bible
What: "From a visual standpoint, the iPhone is gorgeous. Curves in all the right places, a beautiful UI, and an OS that is second-to-none. The Bible, of course, is primarily a work of art. Did you know that? When comparing poetry to prose, most of the Bible is a poem! How wonderful. The literary rhythm of Scripture."
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 13 2011 11:27 AM
# 1420 Critique Analogy
Star Wars Is Like Nerd Scripture
a: Star wars ~
b: nerd scripture
What: "Star Wars is like nerd scripture: moral homilies, scrupulous exegesis, debates over canonicity, commentaries on commentaries, gnostic gospels, and after-the-fact revision and then purging of the source texts."
Writer: Jason Kottke
Date: Dec 3 2011 11:01 AM
# 1546 Critique Analogy
Greek As Linguistic Underwear
a: Greek ~
b: underwear
What: "A good preacher once said that Greek is like underwear. We ought to use it for support, but not wear it on the outside." This is reference to studying the Gospels which, of course, were written in ancient Greek. I've always thought that Biblical Literalists should be studying and reading the Bible in the original Greek. If they believe that these books are the inspired word of God, then reading them in translation is absurd.
Writer: Brian A. Yeager
Date: Dec 16 2011 8:11 PM
# 1566 Critique Analogy
The Gospels, Lost In Translation
a: Reading the new testament without greek ~
b: drinking wine through a tea bag
What: "The Greek would be nice, the NIV is nasty and the NRSV is acceptable! Reading the New Testament without knowing Greek is like drinking wine through a tea bag!!!" Although there is a hint of academic snobbery in the statement, it is one I have fundamentally come to believe. As Ministers of the gospel it is paramount that we know the text that stands in front of us as a witness to Jesus Christ and, the act of reconciliation that has taken place in him and is expressed in the words of all New Testament writers.
Writer: Tom Wright via Mark
Date: Dec 16 2011 8:24 PM
# 1574 Critique Analogy
The Colored Greek Gospels
a: New testament in greek ~
b: seeing it in color
What: "reading the New Testament in Greek is like seeing it in color, whereas reading it in translation is like seeing it in black and white: one gets the point but misses a lot of the nuances"
Writer: Bart D. Ehrman
Date: Dec 16 2011 8:28 PM
# 1575 Critique Analogy
Reading Gospels Greek As Shovel
a: Greek ~
b: giving students a shovel
What: "I love the Gospels and the stories they tell about Jesus. Teaching students Greek is like giving them a shovel, instead of digging a hole for them. If I can get them excited about Greek, they'll use it for the rest of their lives."
Writer: The Rev. Sam Lamerso
Date: Dec 16 2011 8:36 PM
# 1577 Critique Analogy
Analogy As A Means Of Redemption
a: The gospel ~
b: the word of God
What: The link is to an evangelical site that lists analogies that have been used in sermons. They are called redemptive analogies. These are phrases that can help explain and contextualize the Gospels which were written about 2k years ago. These books may seem out of date at times, but it's the job of a good preacher to bring them into context. An analogy is one way to do this.
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jan 17 2012 7:28 PM
# 1602 Critique Analogy
Sharing The Gospel In Boston
a: Boston ~
b: different overseas missions
What: Boston is a strategic location as people come from all over the world to Boston. Sharing the gospel in Boston is like being on a different overseas missions trip every day!
Writer: Not Stated
Date: May 14 2012 2:14 PM
# 2136 Critique Analogy

METAMIA is a free database of analogy
and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search.
The subject matter can be anything.
Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged.
The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with
the stark literalism of a relational database.
Metamia is like a girdle for your muses,
a cognitive girdle.
Browse Analogies by Library of Congress Catagory: